Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
R | 23 May 1997 (USA)
Behind Enemy Lines Trailers

An ex-marine returns to Vietnam when he learns his former mercenary partner whom he thought was killed is being held by a sadistic general.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
colfromkirk Thought this beaut was the Gene Hackman film. Oops wrong.Even several large whiskys while watching couldn't disguise the quality of this picture. The editing was very poor but the bit that stuck out for me was in the battle at the end, where the heroes whilst escaping and mowing down scores of hopelessly poor enemy marksmen, stop to have a earnest chat over something. Strolling nonchalantly along tete a tete, all shooting stops, even the enemy, while the heroes parley. Then suddenly realising where they were recommence the battle killing scores more enemy. Never knew you could call time out in a pitched battle. Never saw a rifle magazine changed and even hits on canvas tents were making sparks and flashes.This film should be age rated. Not suitable for anyone over 12 years old
samarrero30 is the character of Mike Weston in this movie in any way related to the Michael Weston of TV's show Burn Notice? i notice the spelling is different. and i don't know much about burn notice. but isn't the character supposed to be an ex spy/soldier/killer? could this be the early life of the character? just curious. my friend adopted a kitten and named him Michael Westen for his favorite character on TV. i'd like to let him know. i think he would get a kick out of this. so please do some digging and let me know.thanks
lastliberal The guy/gal who writes the teaser for Cinemax screwed up again. I was hoping to get a good laugh watch Owen Wilson pretend to be a Navy officer in Behind Enemy Lines (2001), but they screwed up and put this one on instead.Instead of laughs, I get Thomas Ian Griffith (xXx, Vampires) as an ex soldier going back to rescue his buddy, who was supposed to be dead, and some nuclear triggers. He is, in turn, rescued by a bunch of Marine misfits that lounge around on his boat in Tahiti.No, it's not Rambo II, Braddock: Missing in Action III, Uncommon Valor, or any one of a hundred other B movies that have a similar theme. If you have seen any of those, you have seen this one.
sveknu This is a perfect action movie. It starts out straight into the action, and continues in the same style all the way through. I guess about 75% of the movie consists of pure action scenes, and that's very good. I guess more rounds of ammo from machine guns are fired in this movie than in the whole Vietnam war. I think they did a really good job with a budget I guess was low (and yes, the actors are totally unknown and bad, but that doesn't matter at all in a movie like this, trust me). The plot is also a good one, taking place in Vietnam. The Vietnamese army are portrayed to be bad to the bone. Of course it's not like that in real life, but it's totally OK to portray them this way since Vietnam is a communist country after all.