Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
NR | 03 December 1976 (USA)
Beauty and the Beast Trailers

A beautiful girl agrees to marry a hideous, deformed beast and live in his castle in order to save her father's life.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
firemagikk I was so impressed with this production of Beauty and the Beast that I have thought of it many times over the years. How can it be that this little film left such an impression? I would absolutely jump at the opportunity to purchase a copy. George C. Scott became an instant favorite actor of mine as a result. He was the perfect beast and while Trish Van Devere was excellent and she made a fine Beauty, it was Scott's performance that stayed with me. I wonder if the people who own the rights to this film ever check the IMDb comments. If they did they would surely see that this feature would be much in demand among those of us who enjoy older films.
dabatkins2 The first comment made that many people would like to purchase this movie is very true. My mother-in-law has been looking to purchase this movie for quite some time now. I thought I may be able to purchase it on ebay or something but have yet to find the one she wants with George C. Scott. If it can be worked out for this to be purchased I would be on of the first to give it as a gift to my mother-in-law. She would love to see it in black and white but color I'm sure will not matter. I have not seen this movie so I am not going to rate it but I'm sure if she saw it and has been looking for a while for it, than it means something.
MartinHafer It's actually rather hard to review this made for TV movie for a variety of reasons. First, it has not been re-shown for decades and so it's hard to remember it with full clarity. Plus, I saw this movie before I saw either the Jean Cocteau or Disney versions. It makes sense with the Disney version, as it came out long after most people's memory of the George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere version had dimmed. I remembered the film as extraordinarily well-acted and beautiful throughout--so much so, that I developed a real deep love for the story. Now with so many intervening years, I don't really know which version I like best--if they would only put this one on video I could find this out once and for all!UPDATE: I finally DID find the film on YouTube. While the print isn't great, it is the movie in its entirety. Unfortunately, the soundtrack is out of sync slightly--and you will notice it. But, it's the only available version I know of at this time. Fortunately, it turns out that this Hallmark version is much different than the other two more famous films. The French film by Jean Cocteau is much more artsy and poetic. The Disney version is the best cartoon ever made. This Hallmark one is lovely because it is so romantic-- with a much stronger emphasis on the relationship between Belle and Beast. It also has an interesting contrast because her family, for the most part, ends up being scum! All in all, a terrific made for TV film...about as good as I remembered!
shaunfrayne The love (or otherwise) of any piece of artistic work is obviously extremely subjective. We had just married at the time this film was released and so were very "loved-up". Nevertheless we were completely enchanted by the heart-rending tale of tormented romance. Of course the story is well-known to everyone, most children read or are read the book when no more than toddlers. There is no deep meaning or twists of plot to keep the viewer guessing, on the contrary - there is nothing added or taken away from the original storyline. It is therefore, a triumph, that such a simple yarn can be presented, such that real nostlagia, romance, magic, love, despair and joy are evident throughout. George C. Scott is simply perfect in the role of the beast. It would have been such a temptation to "ham-it-up" and to make the beast even beastlier, but he gets the balance just right. The viewer is suitably revolted by him at first, but of course is soon won over by his presence and charm. Shrek is the contemporary equivalent - but Scott has no computer enhancement to get across his frustrated torment - just damn good old-fashioned acting.I wish I could make more informed comments here about the film but it is so long since we saw it that I am struggling to remember more detail. It must have been good though - we still talk about it and are always on the look-out for it in programme listings.