Be a Man!! Samurai School
Be a Man!! Samurai School
| 26 January 2008 (USA)
Be a Man!! Samurai School Trailers

Momotaro and Hidemaro are 1st-years at Otokojuku, a private boys school where true men are made. Momotaro, proficient in academics and martial arts becomes good friends with Hidemaro an underachieving weakling. Omito Date, former student leader, plans his revenge against his former school. Now leader of an evil army from rival Kanto Gogakuren school he fully intends on taking over Otokojuku.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Thy Davideth I love Tak and all but Samurai School sucks sweaty balls. The main issue I have is the conception. It just didn't tickle my pickle. I can't really explain it in detail but I just don't give a f@$# about a samurai school. The movie wasn't really funny either. But oh well. What can I do? If you like crap then good for you.
dbborroughs Young men are sent off to an elite Samurai school where they train to be real men and national leaders. Taught fighting and humiliated if they fail in a task one wonders if the teachers are trying to kill their charges. Things become deadly when an old wash out returns with allies to take over the school.Damn, I've made it more exciting then it is. Supposed biting satire of Japanese society, the Japanese macho ethic and the stock characters that inhabit its mass media this is a quite dull, been there before martial arts send up that has some stylized and wholly unremarkable action scenes and a keen fashion sense. It looks exactly like you'd expect a comic or animated series come to life should look but its plotting is as clichéd as the weakest of the comics (It becomes what its satirizing to the point of boredom). I'm sure if you click with its often silly over the top feel you'll have a good time, but I'm guessing you'll be like me and wonder why some people have been saying this is the next big thing. Honestly its not bad as such but its been there and done that, not to mention too long at two hours for what is a couple of loosely connected set pieces. I'd take a pass or either borrow it from a friend or wait and hope for cable.
zufre I could only stand the first half of the movie. The plot was really silly and boring. Just like a bad manga.The characters are convinced that the most important thing in life is to let the 'teachers'punish them for the most trivial of reasons so that they can become 'men'.I did not see any teaching done apart from literally thousands of push-ups and ghastly punishment... There were some references to old training techniques that sounded phony to me. Well, holding a 500 kg rock for days or being fried alive (and survive) sounds kind of phony, doesn't it?It is unbelievable what the students put up with for no good reason.The only sensible character seemed to be the bad guy who would not tolerate such treatment.Ummm, I wonder if I will be man enough to end watching that piece of garbage... No way!
Chung Mo While the title might lead an unwary viewer into thinking this might be related to the Cromartie High School anime and film, it isn't. There are resemblances especially the school setting and the Elvis haircuts but this is based on another manga.The film, which takes place in the present day, follows several young men as they enter as first year students in a secret Samurai School that trains the elite of Japan's society. The students are tormented as part of their training and any defiance against the teachers is punished by weird tortures. Some of the people in the school have incredible powers, one for example can cut stone in two from a distance with his sword. Several of the new students start to create a bond with other when an expelled student from the past returns with an army of super-fighters who defeat all the older students and several of the teachers. It leads to a death match where only the new students are left to defend the honor of the school. As much a spoof of Japanese stock characters as about Japanese notions about "being a man", the film is fun and moves along at a good pace. The production is very good looking and the actors are all over the top. The action is decent and the humor works for this westerner. It's a little over long as the final battle starts to resemble a TV wrestling match where the fighters are hamming it up for the audience but you might like it.