| 05 September 2011 (USA)
Himizu Trailers

After two teenagers from abusive households befriend each other, their lives take a dark adventure into existentialism, despair, and human frailty.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
greyfire This movie had an impact on me like no other film had before. Two 14 year olds coming from abusive homes are forced to look at their lives and see where they plan on taking them. The main character, Yuichi Sumida, claims early in the film that he just wants to be ordinary. Keiko Shazawa happily agrees with him since she is infatuated with him. Neither of the teen's parents could care less about them. The girl's parents go as far to create a noose from which they want their daughter to commit suicide, since she is only a disappointment in their eyes. Yuichi and his mom run a boat shop which he runs on his own after she abandons him. His father shows up only to ask for money and abuse his son. The bad parenting in this film may be an exaggerated representation of Japenese culture, in how much pressure children are put under in order to succeed. The teens in this film have obviously given up on any dreams of success they may have once had. The Yakuza comes to collect the debt that Yuichi's father owes them and this pushes his mind to a point where he becomes confused and violent. After this point, the film takes a turn. The first third is filled with comedy - the scenes with Yuichi and Keiko fighting, I found the most amusing - but the second two thirds are dealing with dark subject matter. Things become more shocking and also more intriguing. Anger and that has been built up in Yuichi is let out in unhealthy, though sometimes helpful ways. He commits an act that he feels guilty about and isn't sure what to do, leading him to try to find himself in scenes that I found very powerful. The sorrow, frustration and hopelessness I saw on screen resonated with me in ways incomparable with any other works of fiction. To put it bluntly, Himizu is a coming-of-age story for angsty teens that aren't sure where their life is headed. By the way this isn't an insult, given how much I could relate.
Thaneevuth Jankrajang I was stunned. This film by Shion Sono stuns me. It is by no means a perfect film, nor it tries to be so, but it is one of the best manifestos of the Japanese psyche, which is revealed with honesty and sincerity. On the surface, I like everything Japan. Deep down, I find Japan and the Japanese to be so hopelessly trapped in its and their own social and economic creation, which is modern Japan. This film chronicles a few lives, and still it tells a universal story of what feels like to be a Japanese today. Japan is a world's notable story of rags-to-riches, and it is even more notable, and revealing, as it seems to reverse the fortune at the stagnation of self development today. It is still too soon to name Japan's story of the riches-back-to-rags nature. But the emergence of China and South Korea and Taiwan and the once third-world Asia puts Japan at a paranoid of getting a lot closer and faster to the rank of rags. I find the boy Sumida in several Japanese friends of mine. Their unspeakable pains and sorrows are much more understood now. Japan has created itself, especially after the second world war, into a society depending on other people's perception and judgment. The Japanese then are left to struggle with the realities of their own, sometimes most degrading and inhuman, and continuing to protect the great image of worldly success and of loyal conformity to the society at large. This great contrast proves too much for a human being. There go suicides, vicious killings, and other unnamed psychopathic episodes as a tragic result. This film makes us wonder which will win: hopelessness or hopefulness. It ends with one winning just an inch over the other. I believe this sad film wants to convey the desperation of Japan and the Japanese at this time. It does well. I recommend this Shion Sono film for everyone who cares more than just about yourself, and I wish Japan well in every way. Dear Japan, you have killed your own father, the old and traditional Japan, and been trying to live with the leftover, being the modernised Japan. Tall order it indeed is, but you are not as short as before. There is a future.
Turin_Horse Senseless violence, histrionic personages, forced situations repeated once and again, a pointless script plot and story, unjustified brutality, incoherent and unconnected scenes just piled up together... A bunch of personages seem to have lost any leitmotiv in their lives along with all their possessions after the Tsunami that swept away their belongings. The protagonist is the one in the neighborhood who lost less and still keeps a house and a small boat renting business, yet he is the one with a more bleak attitude towards life and his own future, something that is comprehensible on the basis that he is an adolescent with a fully broken family and a father coming home just to insult and beat him up. Basically, during the first half of the film we witness a series of violent, close to sadistic acts exerted on the protagonist, and in the second part it is time for the protagonist to exert the same violence on whoever he considers deserving of it... ¿what conclusion can we draw from all this?... none really, unless someone wants to find some overall sense to the film in the last (pathetic and ridiculous!) scene. Besides, there is not a coherent story line anywhere, we hardly ever get to know the why of particular actions in the different personages, actions that systematically stem from or lead to a completely senseless violence.The female protagonist, a classmate of the guy, is the total reverse of him; she loves him, and tries by every means to draw his attention (despite his hostile, dismissing and abusing attitude towards her), making for him things that go far beyond what can be considered reasonable. Yet some funny scenes with this female character as protagonist are the only ones in the film that can be watchable (and the only reason why I give it 2 stars instead of 1).Some pieces of classical music used pointlessly with tiresome insistence in every part of the film complete this terrible more-than-two hours movie theater experience. Please skip it.
syd_barret65 For those who have watched Ki-Duk Kim's Address Unknown, wild animals, bad guy or others, this Himizu could fit in that series of films. Personally, as I just mentioned, I find this movie highly influenced by Ki-Duk Kim's style in the first hour and then by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's classic novel: Crime and Punishment in the second hour, with the girl encouraging the boy to turn himself in. This mixture between the korean director and the classic Russian novel makes a superb drama that can please both sono & Kim's fans. I also find Sono away from his classic films such as Suicide Club, Noriko's Dinner Table, Coldfish, Strange Circus, etc. In Himizu there's the tendency to a drama more than a bizarre film like the classic ones of this director, yet a superb one.