Battle of the Stars
Battle of the Stars
| 17 February 1978 (USA)
Battle of the Stars Trailers

An alien vessel manages to break the earth defense systems. Captain Layton is sent to investigate and find the invaders. Together with friends from the planet Ganymed he discovers the enemies in a hidden underground city on earth.

Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
ickystay I get a big kick out of these Brescia space movies so sought out "Battle of the Stars". Most of the comments here, and even the plot outline, seem to be about another lovely Brescia movie called "War of the Planets"."Battle of the Stars" is about an alien invasion of the earth. The Gonians have used up all their natural resources and are now a dying and decaying species. They arrive in their spaceships with their super computer to take over earth and use our healthy bodies to replace their own. With space mummies, the super computer (same prop from War of the Planets!), and their ability to take the shape of trusted humans, the Gonians need to sabotage the Earth defense system before their entire invasion fleet can land. Defense system designer Mike Layton, his pretty girlfriend/scientist Diane, and a couple helpful Gandymedeans are our only hope!Five stars for being "out there" and fun!
classicsoncall My summary line above is an actual quote from the movie. The surprise of course is whether you ever make it through the entire flick. Let's see - 1977, "Star Wars", and 1977, "Cosmos:War of the Planets". One is a landmark movie that took sci-fi film making into the twenty first century, the other set back the progress of civilization for time immemorial.My question is - Is this movie about anything at all? It's virtually an endless stream of darkened scenes where crew members of a space ship called 'MK 31' attempt to defeat an alien intelligence that threatens Earth. The alien intelligence actually states to Captain Hamilton (John Richardson) that it will conquer the galaxy when he repairs a bad circuit board. So what does he do - he repairs the bad circuit board!!!! The only redeeming factor for this mess is the go-go style space suits, all white with a red skull cap and trim that look particularly fine on the good looking female crew members. Other than that, this film goes where no film has gone before, and will stay there by the look of the comments already posted. Fortunately or not as the case may be, this was the last movie left to view of my fifty DVD sci-fi collection from Mill Creek/Tree Line Films. A bargain at about twenty five bucks, this is the kind of movie that demands a refund, even if it's only fifty cents.
Hitchcoc Isn't it interesting how often in these poor science fiction, there is a loose cannon. In this one, it's a commander that is fed up with being given instructions by computers (in this case it's called the WIZ, believe it or not.) He take his crew to an unfriendly planet and gets them embroiled with a robot controlled society. They push a button and destroy the robot. If only people from eons of civilization had decided to push that button. The acting is horrible. I kept trying to recognize the voice of the commander (dubbed, of course), and I realized it sounded like Clayton Moore, the guy who played the Lone Ranger. I know it's not him, but it has that same nasal quality. I did get a kick out of the guys with funny red suits with the little caps. They look like they were created by some sixties fashion designers. It drags and drones on for an hour and a half. There isn't much that happens that is memorable.
junk-monkey In a future where all decisions are made by a giant supercomputer called "The WIZ" (I kid you not) and military men wear weird little miniskirts, renegade space captain Mike Leighton is sent on a routine mission. His ship is attacked by two alien ships. On orders from Earth he lands on the alien's planet which seems at first to be deserted - don't they always? - one by one his crew men are attacked and killed by a mysterious force (actually it's only one crew man - this film is THAT cheap). The captain and his party are lured into a mysterious cave where they meet the "degenerate" remnants of the former inhabitants. The leader of the natives informs them that that once his people once ruled the planet till the machines they built took over. Leighton agrees to help destroy the machine brain that rules the planet (I'm making this all sound a lot more coherent and structured than it actually is). They return to the ship and consult their on-board computer who tells them the Bad computer will have a destruct button, "probably red" (I wish I was making this up). The captain and another crew member confront the Deep Thought like supercomputer and are instructed by it to replace one of its circuit boards, the only thing stopping it from dominating the galaxy. They do so and spot a red button. They press the red button. The computer explodes. The planet starts to explode (as they do) with the usual stock footage of volcanoes tinted nice reddish colours. The crew make their escape taking with them 2 crew members we know have been attacked and left for dead by the evil supercomputers robot henchthing. Big Mistake! Big mistake! Within minutes one of them is wandering around frothing at the mouth killing people as his face falls off - our hero soon puts a stop to that by jettisoning him into outer space but there is one final twist to come!... and you'll just have to watch the movie to find that out.I was amazed to discover this film was made as late as 1977. It looks like a 1960 film. It is truly awful. The music is dreadful - almost random. At one point, when we first see the Bad computer, they actually use Bach's Toccatta and fugue in D minor!. The dubbing is hilarious and I guess the dubbed script must have been written by the Italians because the English is so tortured and twisted to make it fit the lip sync that it, at times, makes no sense at all. Even more amazingly when there is no need to lip sync, like when the natives talk to the Captain telepathically or the computers talk, the English is just as bad.Surrealy Awful