Bats: Human Harvest
Bats: Human Harvest
| 10 November 2007 (USA)
Bats: Human Harvest Trailers

A group of Delta Force soldiers, accompanied by a CIA agent, are sent to the Belzan forest in Chechnya in search of a rogue American weapons researcher, Dr. Benton Walsh. As they search for Walsh's camp, they are attacked by genetically-altered carnivorous bats. The survivors attempt to reach helicopter extraction but encounter various challenges, including Chechen rebels.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
GL84 Sent to investigate a colleague's disappearance, a team of soldiers along the Russian forest finds the area overrun by genetically-altered bats created as a biological weapon and try to get out alive.On the whole, this is much better than expected and is overall quite fun. One of the best elements about this one is that the films beginnings as an Action film work incredibly well in placing rather impressive action scenes in the film. the first ambush in the forest is one of these great scenes with a lot going on to take control of the bats as they're valiantly fighting the creatures swarming all over the area, making for an impressive sequence. Likewise, the take-over of the bunker and the later ambush in the woods help keep the action going with the fire-fights, explosions and creature attacks to work in a rather impressive amount of action. Aside from the fine action pieces, there's some rather good times here with the film making the most of the bats as the central villains as the swarm here is just big enough to do some real damage as this is gory enough to matter and the special effects used for them are actually very well done with the CGI swarms getting good definition by letting each creature be spotted and the close-ups for the individuals being kept to a minimum so that the focus remains on the group in action. There are a few flaws here, mainly in the rather flimsy story about the purpose behind the mission to get the scientist. It's all quite haphazard as it was done in just a few brief segments that don't make a lot of sense. Otherwise, the bat attacks comprise so few moments of screen time that it's bound to be somewhat disappointing with that factor keeping the creatures to a few select scenes, but this isn't enough of a flaw to really hold back the rather important factors here.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
rlange-3 An elite American military team which of course happens to include two good looking women and a guy who can't quite grasp teamwork, lots of bats, some terrorists, and a Spetznaz team that acts like the gang that can't shoot straight -- all thrown together in a jumbled plot with mediocre acting. This one has nothing much going for it. The characters are not compelling. Even the setting, which has great possibilities, looks like something out of the middle of rural Pennsylvania, not an exotic Boreal forest in Eastern Europe.The bats are certainly ferocious looking. They can even pick up a man and fly with him for a few feet (harpies?) or chop off an arm. You see Delta force surrounded by hundreds of bats with a guys shooting assault rifles and pistols at them and bat flopping to the ground. It would be like trying to shoot skeet with a rifle from a distance of 3 feet. Utterly clueless. The dialogue is rancidly unrealistic, with boy/girl jokes and flirts in the middle of tense parts of the mission. One of the team is blown up by a mine and the first one on the scene just stares sadly at his body, stunned, not even bothering to take cover or secure the area. In fact AFTER the rest of the group shows up he talks about how the area is laid out like a minefield -- thanks for the heads up bub.If you want a contrast in how a horror movie involving a small military group can be done well on a low budget check out Outpost. Harvest is not the movie you want to see. In fact I think I'm going to give it a two instead of a three if I can make it through the second half. Seems unlikely at this point.
ab-332 This movie over does it on the cgi i mean sci-fi really they over did it the original '' BATS'' is better it does not use cgi like the sequel. in this movie its the simple people running from mutated killer bats. and really bats in Afghanistan?! the plot involves u.s army soldiers finding a terrorist and being attack by bats and dying<_< but the reason i gave this movie 3 stars is because the way the camera zooms in on the soldiers. the acting is bad and this doesn't even look like a horror movie. in all this movie is a fairly good TV movie for sci-fi channel. but if like sci-fi's movies you'll like this movie because you just like channel 43 oh and if you fall asleep during the movie don't be surprised. oh sorry i think i give it 2 stars instead.
etg1701 Dull one-note characters with next to no development, unimpressive performances by people who sound like they're simply reading lines, and ludicrous special effects combine to make this a genuine stinker. The story begins with eminently bland commando Russo and his fellow soldiers attacking an Al-Qaeda training base. The scene tells us that Al-Qaeda has recently come to seek an ultimate weapon, and also serves to illustrate Russo's only character trait, a tendency to eschew teamwork. With the help of a collection of blank slates and walking stereotypes, including a Russian spy, Russo travels to Chechnyan territory to catch a mad scientist working for the terrorists. Along the way, they encounter vast hordes of flesh-eating bats that fly in broad daylight for some reason. From there, the movie becomes nothing more than a dragging morass of ridiculous action, including a scene in which a swarm of bats slices a soldier's arm off!