| 01 January 1992 (USA)
Badlanders Trailers

Committed to overthrowing a bloodthirsty tyrant, brave freedom fighter Blaine (James Phillips) earns a one-way ticket to Prison Planet, an inhospitable wasteland where he battles violent goons and struggles to find Himshaw (Jack Willcox), the key to restoring peace and justice. Written and directed by Armand Gazarian, this sci-fi action film features plenty of comic relief from Dave Bean, who co-stars as a spineless businessman.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
awitsman84 ...the 30 minutes I watched of Badlanders, which is attached to this in some way, was easily the worst footage of the worst acting I have ever seen in my 34 years of life. The details are lazily unresearched. One guy even pumped a rifle like a shotgun.
Paul Hooson I always thought that Mel Brooks was the greatest master of intentional and calculated comedy, but boy was I wrong. I happened to catch this simply awful film on Comet, and I started laughing almost right away. From the silly elongated disco wig on the main villain to absurd sliding sheet metal doors on the "airlock", this film is one of the most unintentionally silly and funny films ever. Maybe this film once aspired to be a MAD MAX ripoff, but instead achieved a level of hilarity not seen since the days of Ed Wood and PLAN NINE FROM OUTER SPACE...If you're looking for a good SciFi film this is certainly not it....But, if you want laughter, this film is one of the most funny films ever produced!
mario Julio i just saw this piece of nonsense garbage on TV a while ago.... I mean i did not watch it really, the TV was on, while i was doing something else.It sucks, i think i have seen at most one or two other movies worse than this.and this one was not even funny, which tends to be the case with these type of futuristic-incredibly low budget movies.Don't even think of wasting your money or time renting this, it stinks. each one of the characters are so forgettable, and the acting is like taken out of some school play.
formicidae This movie is absolutely terrible, which means if you watch it with some friends some night when you have NOTHING else to do, you might actually have a good time (which is why I gave it a 2 instead of a 1).The inane "plot" follows some kind of freedom fighter (I think) who purposely has himself sent to the prison planet (hence the name), so he can find the spiritual leader of the resistance (I think). Along the way, he is sidetracked with stolen slave girls, a convict (go figure) warlord/slave trader, and some guy in a suit whose very presence is perpetually nonsensical.One of my friends summed up the quality of this movie when he said "it's like a porno without the sex". Brutal. Look for the scene in the tent where the lighting actually changes from angle to angle. Or any of the dialogue. Or the hovering spaceship shots (Plan 9 From Outer Space, is that you?). Or the spaceship door that flaps in the wind. This must be the only movie where a hunted man can be found anywhere on a planet with only four bad guys and two cars to do the job (note: if you're on a planet and four guys are looking for you, don't run along the planet's only road).If you want to save yourself the cost of a rental, show your ten year old nephew your copy of Mad Max and ask him to videotape something like it with his friends. It would probably be better. (Though not as funny.)