| 31 August 1987 (USA)
Bad Trailers

For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
powerfully_attractive I'm bad, I'm bad you know it. This was the chorus to Michael Jacksons hit "Bad" back in 1987.When I look back at it, I make the conclusion, its cool. Okay, it may appear to be alittle humorus and alittle riduculous, but its still cool. Michael plays a high school student, Darryl,(a 30 year old high school student)coming back home to visit the old neighbourhood for the holidays. His old mates are rebelious and "bad" but Daryll has changed since hes been away. Here, we see michaels excellent acting talents. And I'm being serious, he was realy good. "Lay off me man! Get off me man, stop it!!! I'm tired of you messin wit me man, stop it!!! stop it!!!"Beleivable, but cheesy. In order to prove himself to his old friends, he makes an attempt at robbing a poor man in a deserted train station, or at least thats how he wants to make it seem to his mates, "give me a quarter" when he realizes that the man is poor, old and helpless, "Get out of here man run!!! Run!!!"Daryll, has gotten himself into a rough spot now. Wesley in particular is annoyed with Darryl. Befriending him, saying how he has forgotten who he is, "You aint down wit us no more, you aint bad!!"All of a sudden its brighter, Darryl is surrounded by dancers and he is wearing tights. His hair is curly and to top it off he has allot of buckles. He dosent look bad, he looks ridicioulous.Thats when the music sarts and the relization that youre watching a michael Jackson music video sinks in. In all honesty I enjoy watching this. The dancing is wonderfully coreographed for that type of song and Michael actually looks good.But when the song is over, its back to black and white. Darryl has shown that he is still "Bad" but not in that way.He makes peace with wesley and they accept him for who he is. "Thats the way it goes down huh."Now hypothetically speaking, that wouldnt happen in real life. Dancers wouldnt show up out of nowhere and a song wouldnt solve the problem. In my opinion, they didnt really show up in the first place, they were Darryl's imagination, his way of escaping from reality. Thats how he sees himself and he expressed that to his old friends in his way. I hope this makes sence to whoever reads it cause I just confussed myself! Anyway, to sum it all up. Its a good music video. NO where near as good as "Thriller" or "Beat it" but its still good.King of pop rules!!
DocAndMarty This music video is honestly one of the best of Michael Jackson. He portrays a high school kid coming home from a high class, preppy school only to hang out with his ghetto friends. As the group gets back into their old ways, Michael refuses to continue with them. His opinions have changed since they last hung out and doesn't want to be the delinquent that he apparently was before hand.After his friends give him one more chance to show that he still is BAD, Michael ditches the chance and tells his friends that they're nothing and not bad either. He goes into a lengthy dance number to show to them that he is BAD too, but just not in the way that they want him to be.The direction and quality of film is excellent. With it's WIZARD OF OZ type feel, by having the film start off in Black and White and then at the point of the song's entrance, turning to color, only to go back to Black and White after the song's finished.Once again, this is one of MJ's better MUSIC VIDEOS and is a must see for fans of both MJ and Scoresce.
MichaelJackson25 BAD is an incredible music video by the King of pop ! And wow he looks gorgeous in it too !!! Michael Jackson in my opinion is also the King of music video's too !! I mean...he invented them in the first place !
MisterWhiplash I thought that when Jacko had made a music movie right after Thriller, it might be good. Well, I was partially right. While Michael is no longer a minority in this video, his approach to drama is somewhat questionable. But, thanks to virtuoso director Martin Scorsese, he brings this mini-music movie together (though on TV they will usually just show the music part and will leave out the parts with a young Wesley Snipes) by some good editing and music to his images (Scorsese knows how to bring music and movies together with such things as The Last Waltz and Woodstock). Not inspired, but not a waste of a few minutes on MTV either. A-