Bad Reputation
Bad Reputation
R | 05 October 2005 (USA)
Bad Reputation Trailers

A high school girl wrongly branded as the school slut embraces her 'bad reputation' and takes revenge on the kids who have made her life a living hell.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Horrorible_Horror_Films Horrible movie, just plain AWFUL. This movie sucks almost worse than Titanic. Almost. Not only is the acting bad, but you quickly grow to hate the actors as well, all of them. The cinematography is also absurdly bad. The worst of all is probably the sound. Obviously the idiots that made this crap have idea what in the sam hill they're doing. The movie sounds awful! Every single person that appears in this film is obviously an idiot in real life too. If you were to find the stupidest people you could find, then hit them in the head with a hammer 20 times, then you would get close to how stupid the people are in this movie. This movie sucked a lot in many ways. Really, really, really bad and awful.
rodneypwelch and then takes a bad turn. This is a "high-school revenge movie" that more or less follows the template established by "Carrie" and "Christine," although without the supernatural business. Still, the idea is the same: a harmless nerdy wallflower gets used and abused by the popular kids, turns the tables and wreaks vengeance on her persecutors, and then becomes so power-mad that she destroys herself. The idea has been used so many times that its become almost mythic, and a number of movies know how to use it. In the first half of the movie, writer-director Hemphill (despite the obvious limitations with acting talent) gets it mostly right: he makes you identify with sweet Michelle, the Henry Miller-reading outcast who gets raped and humiliated at a party and so badly slandered at school that even the guidance counselor hits her up. Hemphill doesn't exploit her rape the way a lot of movies in the 1970s and 1980s might have, with a lot of boob and butt shots, where the rape becomes a kind of vicarious thrill for the audience. Instead, he makes it ugly, and then further ratchets up the collective audience hatred for the perps by adding insult to injury, as both the rapists and their snotty, viciously cliquish girlfriends conspire to trash Michelle's rep at school. All fine and good, because you know there is going to be a payoff, that these jerks and bitches will pay for this sins. Unfortunately for the audience, Michelle goes overnight from being sympathetic victim to inhuman monster. Sure, you want the bad guys painfully punished, but what we get is just prolonged torture -- which is torture is sit through. It's unpleasant, disgusting, ugly, and a lot less fun than it sounds. (Although it was kinda funny to watch her bash one guy with a textbook so badly that blood spattered the walls. Was this one of those switchblade-wielding history books?) "Heathers" (from which it borrows freely) got away with a lot of the same material because it was more capably written and wickedly funny. Here you just have the increasingly unlikable Michelle wearily rampaging her bloody way through the student body, all but leaving aside any question of how she manages to get away with it. I guess part of the reason is that her town has, by my count, only two police officers, who only appear for a couple minutes and ask maybe one question. Also, Michelle is apparently an expert at cutting up and disposing of the body of a guy she kills in her own bedroom. No, I guess you shouldn't demand that much of movies as low-budget as this one. Writer-director Hemphill certainly didn't.
Worselthx Do not waste your time. Anyone who gave this film more than one star was a friend of, or paid by, the makers of the film. The girls were cute but that was the only thing this film had going for it. The dialog was horrible, the acting sucked and the casting was laughable. The "Cop" and "Guidance counselor" were the same age as the rest of the "High School" cast and could have easily played those roles. This movie doesn't even have the elements that make a good "B" movie. No nudity, no gore and no suspense. I had to watch all of this movie in order to write a fair review so that you don't have to. Do not watch this film, but if you do, don't say you weren't warned.
FredNotGeorge Wow I don't even know were to start?! Well My brother rented it and it call the worst garbage ever!! It has really bad acting, there was no good plot in the story, just about a girl who gets raped at a party and try to kill everyone who was involved! It's not even enjoyable to watch!? So I had to leave like the first 30 minutes if the film, and my brother wanted to keep on watching it so he told me what happen at the end. So she just manages to kill all the guys and girls who were involved except one cause she ended up shoot at. Don't watch it! You'll regret it! I know I had cause I wouldn't be writing this right now. If I had to rate this it be 1/10 Seriously.