Back in the Day
Back in the Day
R | 24 May 2005 (USA)
Back in the Day Trailers

A young man slides back into a life of crime after reuniting with a shady acquaintance from his past.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
D D The biggest problem with this movie is in real life, the niggard thugs have no conscience or regret. Whatever the film makers thought they were doing, whether they wanted to show a softer side or what, it was a farce. You know the old saying..."art imitates life"? Well if this movie were to imitate life, the bangers would shoot the brother, the sister and the mom. The good-hearted detective would never turn a banger loose for a second chance, never call and warn a banger that one of his own was out to get him and there would never be a SWAT team that saw 3 bangers with guns and only shoot one. And the salacious love scenes? I really don't know how Tia could sink this low. She is a quality actress.
LDeVose It was not as bad as SozeTheKeyser said it was. But then, I did not buy it. I saw it as a feature on one of the movie channels on the satellite service I use. I reserve purchasing for more family-oriented films. While this would not have met my criteria for purchasing, it was nonetheless an OK film.Ja Rule did a better-than-most-rappers-turned-actors job on what is apparently his first time out as an actor (in a leading role, no less!). There was another movie I saw on BET with another rapper in the starring role. It truly stunk, and even the merciful breaks from commercials did not save that one. In fact even when I was out of the room hearing the audio, it stunk even worse. "Back In The Day" was not such a stinker by far.Ja Rule did a decent job. Maybe even better than passable. He did not overplay the moments. He seemed to take directing well, which leads to the subject of directing. I think it was a very well directed film, and would like to see more from James Hunter. Even though he had some real power hitters to work with, there seemed to be a good gel among the actors that made the writing of Mr. Hunter and Michael Raffanello credible.It was a low budget film. There is no doubt about that. It was an indie. You put these two together and you get "Back In The Day". There were not the obligatory BOOM! SPLATTER! and ZOOM! that marks so many wannabe blockbusters, but instead the focus was on the story, which while common did bring some surprises that most may not anticipate. I did not, although usually I do. Sometimes it felt like a play without the music. This is not a bad thing, but a comment on the feel of the movie.I think Rhames (one of my top 5 favorite actors), Grier (who could not love this ageless beauty), Morton (my neighbor), Morgan (the dimples I wished I could have married) and Ali (ok, so Ms. Grier has competition) all did a wonderful job. This was far from a "paying the bills" project as I am sure that all of these in-demand actors can live very well off the residuals of their past work.That is all from me on "Back in The Day". It was not a film that I would purchase for my personal library, but if I see it in the TV listings again, I would watch it. I love morality plays that are honest yet sensitive. One thing I noticed in this film, which many lack, especially those surrounding Black characters,was the respect given to role of Christianity and its more conscientious leaders in the community. I appreciated the lack of hyperbolic and rhetorical dialog and character stereotypes. I would like to thank the writers, director and actors for a decent "B" movie.
rg_05_dhill o dear god i suffered having to watch this film FOUR times in my sisters house and was it dreadful a story of sex and guns and very cheap unexplained acting unless you are at gunpoint being told to watch this avoid it Ja Rule just proved he cannot act Ving Rhames also gave the most dreadful acting ever in any of his films there was not one part of this film made me laugh or make me jump or feel any emotion i would be surprised people actually enjoyed this i have seem some dreadful films in my life but this would be in my five worst films ever the music in it wasn't good and the storyline i think was made up by a couple of guys who ordered a pizza and just sat down wrote ten bullet points and then made it into a film absolutely dreadful
jpking-1 by TyNesha Mells. In this drama, Ja Rule, who stars as Reggie, struggles with the loss of his father. His old friend J-Bone, who is a cold-blooded thug recently released from prison, helps Reggie find who murdered his father. A week after his dad died, a preacher, Reverend Packer, came up dead. Reggie was suppose to be the one to kill him, but did he? Did Reggie kill Reverend Packer or was it some type of a setup? Back in the Day also has a couple of romantic scenes. See, Reggie falls in love with the preacher's daughter and J-Bone doesn't approve of his love fiend. As J-Bone tries to destroy what they have, Reggie learns that love is about forgiveness. But what J-bone is doing, does it work? Do Reggie and his girlfriend break up, or does it bring them closer together? I like this movie because it leaves you wondering what's going to happen next and did this or that happen. I like movies with suspense! It kind of makes you want to be in the movie so that you could detect things. I also like this movie because everything falls in place, if you really pay attention to it!