Baby, It's You
Baby, It's You
| 01 January 1998 (USA)
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Six adult siblings and the vicissitudes of fertility, infertility, and the desire - met and unmet - for a baby. Focusing on one couple's attempt to become pregnant, and the inevitable highs and lows of a year of hope and disappointment.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.