Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga
| 20 September 1973 (USA)
Baba Yaga Trailers

Carroll Baker stars in this psychedelic shocker about a mysterious witch who casts a spell over attractive, youthful fashion photographer Valentina Rosselli. Thrust into a world of sadism, Valentina must figure out whether the torture being inflicted on her is because of one woman's twisted agenda … or a curse known as Baba Yaga.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
RavenGlamDVDCollector Reviewing BABA YAGA, the Blue Underground DVDThere is something terribly wrong here. And it's not just the horrible dubbing. (I'm only too thankful that there is an English version available, I have had a difficult time with DVDs that do not feature the most beautiful language in the world) What immediately strikes you, is that these two actresses are a long way off from looking like the cartoon version. Not that I have any knowledge of Guido Creepax's work, besides having read about it. But the Blue Underground copy I've got, clearly shows the original concept, and these two, though they DO act the parts, and they DO veer in that direction, are kind of almost off- putting, especially Isabelle de Funes. Carroll Baker could scrape through, but Isabelle is a far cry from what was really needed in the looks department. The whole production suffers from this. In the interview with the director, I have since learned that both his main protagonists were rebound choices after initial arrangements fell through AT THE LAST MINUTE, well, three days. Which in MovieLand with its time constraints, is at the last minute! Carroll Baker was taken on in lieu of an androgenic actress/singer that pulled out of the project, and the problem with her was that she wasn't at all 'the witchy type' but she came on board by virtue of being a credited actress. As for Isabelle, she was decided upon because of a photograph, and believe me, she was a promising young stunner, but a (ahem) couple (or so) years before. Again, this one too, was an able actress.So, these two DO manage to live up to their parts. But to settle in with this, and accept what is going on here on the screen, you have to be rid of your notion that all of this is so seriously flawed, and the whole time I just think about re-casting, so there is no way it really gets off the ground for me. I'd say, Good Try, But Not Nearly Close, No Cigar. I did like the Devil Doll, both the plastic and the full flesh versions, wow, there is a story in the interview about her too, fully explaining why she didn't get a speaking part. She was 'catastrophic' but fortunately not on the physical front.Lots of bare breasts, and I want to like it more than I do, but the overriding feeling is that this was a waste. Completely. I cannot bring myself to give it the lower score it deserves, though. I love stuff that goes against conformity, and, my sympathies to the director, this was really 'directed by circumstances'!
Hitchcoc I watched this with an awareness of the pseudo-art of the seventies. I'm sure the people who made this thought carefully about each shot, put together some silly plot, set up some titillation, and went from there. The movie is mess because the editing is a mess. If they thought they were making a serious film, it needed to be put together with some sort of point. The story is a bit ghost story/fantasy. A photographer makes a good protagonist because of her ability to encounter a cross section of characters. Many are superfluous, there so we could see them unclothed. This is just more of the junk that was put out in the seventies in Europe. It was a liberating time but it brought out hack artists. From reading other reader comments, apparently this particular character has a comic book connection. Having seen none of them, I can't judge this based on that form. As a movie, it isn't much. Good old Carol Baker. She never really amounted to a whole lot, did she?
Carlos_Lohan I saw it last night for the first time and thought it was spectacular! Filled with style and inventive camera work that could leave Argento in shame, the movie had a bizarre, interesting story. The pace was slow and lethargic (similar to Franco's Succubus and Vampyros Lesbos); the music was excellent, including a melancholic jazz tune and a stylish rock score; and the acting was above average: Carroll Baker, as opposite of what many reviewers said, shines in the role of the evil witch (and looks very attractive also), and Isabelle de Funes was a nice revelation. Cult favorite George Eastman is also good in is supporting role. For the sleazy guys, there was also some mild S&M and some T&A, but nothing worth mention . Too bad the director only made this film, as he looked very talented. A 8/10 from me.
Jack A communist girl who's utterly uninteresting nor sympathetic meets a weird woman. Later she takes some topless photos of a her friend (apparently she's a "professional" photographer). Then she meets some guy and they talk about pretentious beatnik crap for ever and ever. This has nothing to do with the plot of the movie, they're just killing time. I turned it off at this point, I was bored out of my mind. It's like a particularly dumb 14 year old's idea of the perfect day. I got to see a topless woman, then we cruised around town and talked about how we're going to overthrow the government, because the government should give everybody everything they want, and they're not, so we're gonna overthrow them! The acting was bad, the dialog was laughable, the overall look of the film was extremely cheap, and looking at the shapeless triangles that passed for the lead actress' chest ruined my appetite.