Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan
Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan
R | 25 April 2013 (USA)
Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan Trailers

Kids at a first-time offenders' boot camp discover the legend of lumberjack Paul Bunyan is real, but is much more horrifying than they could have imagined. They incur the wrath of the 15-foot monstrous giant, who was banished from town 100 years ago and thought dead.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
TheLittleSongbird The scenery is really quite beautiful, the make-up for giant Bunyan is very well done and fearsome and Thomas Downey also was appropriately gruff and humorous. Unfortunately that is all that Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan has in its favour. Apart from the scenery, the look of the film is shoddy, with rushed-through special effects and editing and too many scenes that are shot too brightly. The giant Bunyan looks fearsome enough, but we don't know anything about him and he doesn't have that much of a personality, never coming across as genuinely menacing. And that does dilute things a lot. The dialogue has cheese and awkwardness written all over it, with the banter truly inane. The characters range from obnoxious(Joe Estevez) to bland(pretty much everybody else. The acting is bad really with the best it gets generally being forgettable, only Downey makes any kind of impression. Joe Estevez especially is so bad it's almost comical. What hurts Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan is the story, generally too padded and pedestrian with nothing exciting, suspenseful or even engaging with a lack of any heart. It also takes far too long to get going, we get forty minutes of tiresome and increasingly irrelevant banter before Bunyan arrives on the scene, and sadly even with his presence the movie never quite takes off. Overall, SyFy have done much worse and it is certainly nowhere near as bad as most of the stuff The Asylum has churned out, but still not a good movie at all. 3/10 Bethany Cox
movieman_kev Group of indistinguishable young-offenders are sent to a boot camp for delinquents where there meet a murderous Paul Bunyan. Apparently shown on Syfy channel first (I didn't see it until it appeared streaming on Netflix today), it does have the vibe of their brand of low- budget shenanigans, but it could've been much worse as thankfully the putrid stretch of The Asylum (who didn't make this, but does countless Syfy films) isn't anywhere near this one. That's about the only positive I can say for this pedestrian, mundane, silly, badly CGId little film. Might be (somewhat) passable for a rainy-day Saturday afternoon but not more more.Eye Candy: Jill Evyn is briefly topless
Paul Magne Haakonsen While "Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan" isn't among the worst of movies that I have seen, it is far up on the scale.This slasher movie tries to incorporate the Paul Bunyan tale with some good old fashioned teenage slash-fest. But ultimately the end result was rather tame and less than interesting, to say the least.A group of young delinquents are sent away to a reform boot-camp in the middle of a forested mountainside, under the supervision of gung-ho police officer Sgt. Hoke and a psychiatrist. However, the group run afoul a giant that is stalking the mountainside. The giant is wielding a massive axe and is ferocious and hellbent on killing anything in his path.Storywise, then "Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan" was a very generic and genre stereotypic slasher movie, although trying to put in some legend and folk lore - which failed miserably.The effects in the movie were adequate at times, while at other times they were so low-budget that you can't help but shake your head in disbelief and laugh out loud at them.I don't recall a single face seen throughout the movie, and as such I suppose that is a good enough thing, as it is nice to see unfamiliar faces in movies, as to not draw associations to previous roles the actors or actresses have portrayed."Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan" wasn't entertaining and it was very tempting to let one's attention drift towards something else as the movie trotted on mundanely on the screen. Sometimes you just wonder why certain films gets produced, funded and even makes it off the drawing board.
bledrules I watched this because Dan Haggerty is in it,I remember very well growing up and watching Grizzly Adams on TV He doesn't have much of a role in this (lucky for him)but the acting is pretty bad and the cgi is also very bad I wont say anything stupid like I want that 90 minutes of my life back (that expression is so annoying) The blue ox was just terribly done Acting was bad cgi even worse Just not a good movie I also thought it might be one of those horror movies that was so bad it was funny no such luck At the end of the credits it says Paul Bunyan will return I certainly hope not.I searched and searched for something positive about the movie,it took a while but finally it hit me.The scenery is very nice,I don't know where it was made but the mountains and deep woods were very nice