| 01 January 1979 (USA)
Autobahn Trailers

An animated visual interpretation of the song "Autobahn," by German electronic pioneers Kraftwerk. A fast-paced experimental film which proved to be a groundbreaking combination of electronic and manual animation. One of the first films produced specifically for video disk.

Steineded How sad is this?
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Horst in Translation ( "Autobahn" is an 11.5-minute animated short film from 1979, so this one is already over 35 years old and it was written and directed by Hungarian-born filmmaker John Halas. His one Oscar nomination is autobahn-related, so this topic seems to have followed him throughout his career. This one here is actually a music video for a song by the German electronic music band Kraftwerk. I would not call myself a fan of them really, which is why I ended up enjoying only the parts where we hear somebody sing. The animation is okay for the 1970s, fairly psychedelic and the characters look interesting. Sadly, they are just there and never properly elaborated on from a story-telling perspective. All in all, I can somehow see why this music video is still fairly well-known today as there is a lot of creativity attached to the project. I myself almost never ended up enjoying it though and I give it a thumbs-down.
E-un I just saw this on You Tube. The color was all washed out but I can see why it's very popular. Of course, the animation has zero to do with the Kraftwerk song, "Autobahn".Now, about the "fun fun fun on the Autobahn"... I've heard dozens of people sing this and I still find it hysterical. It's actually German, as in, "fahren fahren fahren auf der Autobahn "... heh heh!Here are the English lyrics for all you 'fans':We are driving on the AutobahnIn front of us is a wide valley, The sun is shining with glittering raysThe driving strip is a gray track, White stripes, green edgeWe are switching the radio on, From the loudspeaker it sounds thus: (radio noise)We are driving on the Autobahn
Violent_bob This animation will tottaly freak you out, basicly its just an alien with sunglasses running around while bubbles chase him or other crazy things fly towards you at high speeds. Yes its a rare video, but for those of you who aren't very adventurous (myself included)and dont want to find it on EBAY or whatever you can find it easily on KaZZa. The weirdest part is when they start to sing "The fun fun fun of the autobahn" all these like giant lips start fyling at you- its nuts. You can't really comment on this video, its just like a LSD trip while listening to kraftwerk. Remember kids, drink your milk, take your vitamins, go to school, and dont do drugs! (seriously)
padington myyyy god, do whatever you can do, but track this film down- it is amazing. it is basically a story of a little green man in goggles floating through a world of bubbles, holes and portals that undulate to the hypnotic rhythms of kraftwerk's epic masterpiece, "autobahn". "autobahn" is in my opinion one of the greatest compositions of the twentieth century and while the animation is not in itself masterful the fact that it holds its own against kraftwerk's soundtrack elevates it to a very high status. if you have ever wanted to know what it was like to exist inside a song, to physically float through music, this animation may be as close as you'll legally get.