At Granny's House
At Granny's House
NR | 30 May 2015 (USA)
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A typical Midwest house. A sweet little old lady. When a caretaker moves in to help out, Granny's House becomes a macabre place of death - and love.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
LovecraftLass I don't even know where to start with At Granny's House. First, the good. There were some interesting shots of the sky and clouds that were quite beautiful. Bill Oberst Jr.'s character was all too brief because he was wonderful and interesting. Glenda Morgan Brown played her role well and was one of the more enjoyable characters. Rachel Alig had some great facial expressions that showed her emotions much better than the dialogue did. These things combined bumped it up a star to save it from being a one-star watch.The rest of the movie was ridiculous. The dialogue was stilted and unnatural. I would have to watch Ms. Alig in another movie to tell whether or not this is a good sample of her acting talent. The dialogue and scene direction in At Granny's House was so awkward and blah that I honestly can't tell. I think Glenda Morgan Brown did the best she could with what she was given and her scenes (when her character wasn't written strictly as a prop for Ms. Alig) were often very enjoyable.The pacing is fairly consistent throughout. It moves at a fairly brisk pace...until about the middle when it turns into a bit of gag-inducing soft-core porn. I say gag-inducing because there's zero chemistry between the two leads and it looks uncomfortably like those scenes were added just to show (and grab) some boob. Since I'm never really thrilled with sex in horror (movies and books) when it's unnecessary this may be something that won't bother other people. If you're watching for the boobies, rest assured, you will see them.The sound design and soundtrack was just bad. For some reason they felt the need to enhance every single sound. Because by god we need to hear every time the couch squeaks, every foot step, every keyboard click. The soundtrack wasn't much better. The music wasn't outright terrible but it was unoriginal and overused. From the moment the character of Rebecca walks in she might as well have "I'm creepy!!" tattooed on her forehead because the music is not subtle about it. Even the blandest line is accentuated with music to make it sound fraught with meaning.I honestly don't know what to say about the plot. Everything is so glaringly obvious that I'm not sure what I'd be spoiling. The only two real mysteries that are presented are never explained. I'm not sure if they were even supposed to be mysteries or if the plot just overlooked them. The first is why Rebecca is killing people to begin with. She apparently hates people who are rude and ignore others while on their phone. However, in the movie it seems to act as an intense trigger for her. Even though they get a plethora of people she only kills those who are rude, especially in the phone usage area. So it seems like there would be a reason or something at least. Nope. Never explained. What is also never explained is why 'Granny', out of the blue, decides to help cover their crime. And, oddly enough, from the first. Even before she knows there has been an actual crime committed she's covering. I was hoping for a skeleton (literally or figuratively) in Granny's closet. But no, nothing. I did get the feeling there may have been a plot point in there somewhere that they decided not to use. It's a shame, really. Granny was one of the better characters and if she had an interesting story I may have forgiven a bit more.Between the wooden dialogue and nonsensical plot I cannot recommend this movie.Disclaimer: We received a review screener of At Granny's House from the publicist for review consideration. This is no way affects our review.
Gravedigger41 After i've watched this movie i really feel i should write a short helpful review. DON'T WATCH IT. I can't describe how bad it is, honestly. While i was watching i had only one question on my mind. Which is worse the plot, the acting or the directing? Still unanswered. I've seen some bad movies now and then, i'm usually neutral about them but this got out of hand. No action at all, 1 hour and a half i could have spent doing nothing. To be fair though, it had some moments that could make this movie work as an average comedy. For example while the couple was in bed they were seeing visions on the ceiling. For real, they actually did it twice. I laughed, that got me.
mayaexpeditions Saw this movie at its amazing Hollywood Premiere. Love how creepy it is. More movies should have great Leading Ladies!! Wild how it twists and turns and all is a cool house. Surprising how long the sex scenes are. Glenda Morgan Brown who plays Granny delivers a wonderful performance, with lots of depth. Rachel Alig, the other leading lady who plays Rebbecca gave me the chills. It is great how she commands the screen. Ted is a clueless prick portrayed very well by Les Mahoney. Bill Oberest Jr. has such a strong presence, he rocks his scenes. Very different character played here by Bill, the horror star of this century.
trinkschiz Good creepy fun - a suspenseful tale that takes aim at the idea of a "sweet little old lady," with strong performances particularly from Rachel Alig and Glenda Morgan Brown. Writer-Director Les Mahoney has a feel for Hitchcockian atmosphere and characterizations. Working on a modest budget he achieves some of the tension missing from bigger Hollywood features.Mahoney himself plays a love interest for Alig's caretaker character and his entrance into the film brings additional complications.The script is loaded up with some great twists, including one final turn at the end. Enjoy!
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