Assault on Devil's Island
Assault on Devil's Island
R | 28 October 1997 (USA)
Assault on Devil's Island Trailers

When one of Mike McBride's men goes rogue and takes a group of gymnasts hostage to Devil's Island in exchange for the return of drug lord Carlos Gallindo, the SEALS face their most perilous assignment yet.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
deadraque Well i can't say a lot about this movie or perhaps yes i can it would be "LOL". Wow they beat records in this movie of stupidity and bad acting, i saw someone say that Hogan deserves a Oscar or something for his performance, "LOL" again! :)Imagine that our planet get hit by a meteorite again and in 100.000 years humans are intelligent again or whatever and by miracle they find back a copy of this movie, like we find dinosaurs and other now, imagine the image we would give to our world if this is the only movie they find back or one of those very bad one's, oh my the image we would give from our times :)1/10 can't find anything to give it a 2...
Big Movie Fan Whilst this movie could never be called a fantastic movie it is still worth one look.I like Hulk Hogan but what attracted me to the film initially (apart from Hogan) was the casting-we had Shannon Tweed (beautiful!) and underrated actors Martin Kove and Carl Weathers. What a team they all made.It's a fairly routine action thriller but there are some great scenes throughout the movie particularly at the end when the team all go out to rescue the hostages.There are a lot of other action movies out there that are fantastic but this is certainly decent enough.
nova69 This movie's not great but passable I guess. Caught in on cable on late night AXN. I saw the trailer & there was a babe in it so I decided to try it & didn't regret it. The action's ok but Shannon Tweed was absolutely hot! The hottest was in the beginning of the movie when she wrapped her legs around a guy & crushed the air out of him. That was even hotter than Famke Jennson in Golden Eye!
Dan Grant When I first started watching this film, I pretty much laughed at the absurdity of it. The dialogue was horrid, the acting was bad and Hogan was even worse. But then something strange happened. I became intrigued because Carl Weathers and Billy Blanks and Martin Kove were in this film as well. Now I don't know about Blanks, but the other three are all actors that have done something with Stallone in the past. Weathers and Hogan of course were in Rocky 3 and Kove was in Rambo. So that got me intrigued to actually watch the film, and that was when I realized that there was actually something good about the film.The direction was good. I know how strange that may sound considering how bad some of the acting was, but maybe the director's strong point isn't his people scenes, but his eye for action. He has some great explosions, interesting aerial shots and some good fighting scenes. I should hope the fighting scenes are strong since you have Hogan, Blanks, Weathers and Kove in the film. And don't forget WCW owner Eric Bischoff was a producer on the film.It's too bad that Hogan is so bad in here because if some of the acting could have been passable and the script had better dialogue, the film could have been as good as Commando. But it is lacking in so many areas that even some of the great directing is too lame to save the picture. But it was a nice try.