Ashes and Snow
Ashes and Snow
| 05 March 2005 (USA)
Ashes and Snow Trailers

Ashes and Snow, a film by Gregory Colbert, uses both still and movie cameras to explore extraordinary interactions between humans and animals. The 60-minute feature is a poetic narrative rather than a documentary. It aims to lift the natural and artificial barriers between humans and other species, dissolving the distance that exists between them.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Heathcliffe I've worked for many years as a cinematographer, on small film projects, and I must say, this is one of the most beautiful films that I have seen in my entire life. The first time I saw it, in Los Angeles, I was thrilled beyond belief. I returned every weekend for the entire three months, braving the long lines at the exhibition. I am only truly peaceful when I am watching the film. I have a hectic life- three children, a long work day, and very little time to relax.I bought the film, and often show it at home to guests. My children also love it. I am so happy that they can grow up with something so beautiful in their homes. Thank you, Gregory Colbert, for the amazing film that you have created.
randymlm I first experienced ashes and snow in Mexico city at it's traveling home "the nomadic museum" A unique way to see this world through the eye of a lens, I most say that as soon as I started to watch the film I could not get my eyes of it. I love the rhythm of film and find that the footage is totally incredible. Seeing this film has change my life, I can fell that the counteraction between man and animal still exist in such ways that was only imaginable in a very distant past. Now I realize that there are still good little enjoyable things are still around PD: Colbert's film is far too good to be described with simple words.
Brienne Walsh I first saw this film in New York, at the Nomadic Museum. I remember walking down the long hallway of the museum, curious to see what was at the end, where a group of people had gathered. Even though the movie lasted for almost 60 minutes, I stood in a crowd two times to watch it. I didn't even notice that I had been standing for so long! This is a film about love, about passion, and about kindness. Every time I watch it, I think of all of the people and places that I have felt a fondness for in my life. I think of my first love, my first kiss. I remember all of the most precious moments in my life.I highly recommend this movie to everyone. I promise that you will be crying within five minutes of seeing the film.
Gerardo A. Lopez An impressive show of unique talent! A warm and poetic delight for the senses! Nothing but a simple taste of what luxury is on The Creator's eyes, captured by the genius of a higher human. An Astonishing audiovisual achievement, impeccable production, in less words a breathtaking piece of art.The faunistic travel through "beyond description" locations and the interaction between "talents" show the real beauty of nature and how art on every form is only, how the human race understands the world. Interesting to see how the most common state of every human on the film is "rest" for either the soul or the body.Watching it over and over just gives the spectator a better idea of the complexity linked to making film a real form of art.Ashes to Snow is an Exceptional work of Photography, Ligthning and Post Production. Feather to Fire, Fire to Blood, Blood to Bone, Bone to Marrow, Marrow to Ashes, Ashes to Snow...