Wonderful character development!
Rio Hayward
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kien Navarro
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Taha Avalos
The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
I've been intrigued by Thai Voodoo for the longest time, not that I would want to be on the receiving end of it, but it makes you wonder the amount of clout and (real?) ability of these medicine men who put hexes and curses on your behalf, for a small fee. And it always seem that what they do to you, from simple artifacts like a voodoo doll, can inflict so much pain onto your real self with just a simple needle poked on a right position on the straw doll......from DICK STEEL from SingaporeI loved this movie.... it was great. Very gory and unique. Started off a bit slow and than wham .... WTH ... lol Maybe you can help ...........I am wondering what the name of the Thai spellcasting (type of vodou) was.. I've heard of it before, even though it is rare and not well know... can anyone help?? I was actually able to find it before but had to re-do my pc and lost all info I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you ..... ..... . .. . . . .
In Art of the Devil 2, which is not a sequel in any traditional sense of the word, the Seven Ronin team of directors delve into another exploration of Thai witchcraft, which apparently shares little with its Western counterpart. In this movie, as in the first, the object is revenge, the tools are those of black magic, and the price is sanity. The witchcraft of these movies is messy, deadly, and the cost to the practitioner is as great as to the victim. Six students visit the remote home of a former teacher, who is also the stepmother of one of the youths. Death and blood follow as the young people learn that their actions, as a group and as individuals, have marked them for vengeance. Art of the Devil 2 is related to the first only by the theme of Thai curses, which are by far more imaginative than anything brought to the American screen. There are weaknesses, such as the quality of the translation track and the cheap effect, but the movie succeeds by imagining a world in which dangerous curses can kill from a distance, where witches can appear and disappear at will, in which the dead dance silently just out of sight of everyone but you, and in which the cost of revenge is the soul of the wronged. This is not gentle stuff; cannibalism, corpse mutilation and bloody rituals are abundant, but on the whole the picture succeeds in doing something not seen from American directors in many years.
This is a Thai horror film that was simply fun to watch. A group of friends visit an old teacher of theirs who lives in the jungle. We see through flash backs that terrible things happened to them in the past at their school. Their beautiful teacher seems to have become a homicidal devil worshiping witch. Not only is she able to conjure the dead and cast spells that will make your stomach turn (think fish hooks and reptiles + soft human flesh); but she also seems to have a predilection for torture using a blow torch. Let the mayhem begin! If you can find it online, download the trailer of the movie and watch it...its one of the best horror trailers you will see. And the movie itself is just as fun. What else can I say about this movie? Interesting and unpredictable storyline. Beautiful jungle scenery. Hot (but evil) Thai babes. Gratuitous gore. What's not to like guys? Watch this one and have a blast!
I love horror movies and among all the horror movies I have seen,this one is definitely one of the most scary ones.OK,its about thai voodoo,people cursing each other and getting revenged,the plot is ordinary,but how they torture each other in the movie is what its really about and the scariest part is it doesn't seem surreal at all,it seems like something it might actually just happen to you if you mess with the wrong people.I still remember after seeing the movie I was shivering all over,and couldn't get the crazy scene out of my head~it was like the first time i felt that way after seeing a horror movie,kind of cool in a way!For those horror-movie lovers out there,I'd say this one is a must see!