The Dinosaur Project
The Dinosaur Project
| 09 August 2012 (USA)
The Dinosaur Project Trailers

Found footage of an expedition into the Congo jungle where a team of explorers stumbles upon a colony of Dinosaurs.

Micitype Pretty Good
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Northtribe3 The film is about a group of British people that decide to go to the Congo jungle to get proof of that dinosaurs really exists but when they crash with their plane the major problems starts to escalate. The characters are so predictable and you realize very early in the film that it is so clearly that they wanted to capitalize on Jurassic Park, now by any means that's not a bad idea because they just wanted to make it more like a found footage type of movie with dinosaurs and the idea itself isn't too bad but the way it's executed just makes the movie fall flat. Some of the main problems with it is that: 1. the acting is terrible 2. the cgi was laughably bad at parts 3. the characters were all very predictableFor example you can clearly see or notice in the movie very early on that they did not care for the acting, it feels like they thought like this: "Just as long as the character Jonathan Marchant looks like Alan Grant it will be alright". Now this made me laugh so hard because he really looked like Sam Neill but his acting was very bad. Another problem with it is that it feels like the filmmakers sometimes didn't know what type of movie they wanted to make and unfortunately for them the movie turned out to be a complete mess. One example of this is when they've been sort of stranded and just got to shore and the son of the Jonathan Marchant character from no where comes up to him and asks him a bunch of questions from his point of view (found footage style). At this part I yelled out "Interview Time!" because that scene came out of no where. So finally am I able to recommend The Dinosaur Project? Well my answer is NO. If you're still interested in checking it out I recommend you to watch it with a couple of friends so you all can have a laugh at it. Then it might at least get a little more entertaining. My rating: 4/10 Stars
TheLittleSongbird There are better dinosaur movies out there than The Dinosaur Project(naming them though will be unfair) but there are definitely far worse like almost every dino movie released by SyFy or The Asylum. The Dinosaur Project is far from perfect or great, but it was entertaining and did have some things it did well. Is it better than the IMDb and what has been said about it? I think so. Some of the camera work did have a dizzying effect with some shakiness that at times didn't add anything. The acting is a case of it being acceptable in parts, Richard Dillane is very good actually and while underused so is Natasha Loring, most of the time actually it was the case, but being rather cheesy in other parts especially the last act. Matt Kane does look wooden and Peter Brooke wildly overplays. The villain was not written at all well, there was no real point to him(the dinosaurs were conflict enough) and some of his scenes belonged somewhere else altogether, while the last act got far too silly and stretched credibility to the limit. However, the scenery is beautiful and made good use of and the dinosaur effects are surprisingly good. The dinosaurs themselves are very believable and creepy and have more colourful personalities than the human characters, agreed about that lovely moment with the baby Ceratosaurussen. Wish we could have seen more of them. Some camera work is inventive, the music is jaunty and the movie does have a snappy script that doesn't pad things out too much and has some light-hearted humour that sounds easy rather than awkward. The story goes at breakneck speed and is mostly enjoyably fun with the attacks having some genuine tension. On the whole, a fun film that could have been executed better but is nowhere near as bad as some have cited to be. 6/10 Bethany Cox
jay20091907 where to start with this one? okay, i like dinosaurs and i like films, inevitably the two would cross eventually, but when the pinnacle of the Dino-cinema is Jurassic park the bar is set pretty damn high. okay so this one starts and instantly we are introduced to the characters, of course anyone one who see's the films "explorer" dad character will instantly go "how the hell is Allan grant/Indiana Jones in this film?" because thats exactly what he looks like. seriously, hat and all. but the thing is, Jurassic park and Indiana Jones are good films, this one...not so much..wait not at all. okay the main problem i had with this film was its sheer predictability, and trust me i know predictability i watch films 24/7 but when you can watch a film and in the first 15 minutes work out (Without fault) who will live and who will die, there's a problem. and so were introduced to the cast, beardy guy, camera guy, explorer dad, hot blonde, jungle guide and the teenager. but there's the next problem, each of these characters are just cut outs that the director must have stole from the book of "film characters" they are that see through, its like this, beardy guy is a fat arse who in the last part of the film goes all Rambo (trust me its funnier when you see it) camera guy doesn't say much and dies, and thats not a spoiler because who actually cares for these characters, explorer dad is just the generic "adventurer", the guide has a "secret" that you see from a mile off and well it isn't really a secret when you're surrounded by Dino's! and the blonde is well...shes the typical blonde who is the love interest, oh wait she dies early..moving on...there's this other guy, who is the typical over the top manipulative "all for myself" bad guy, and honestly? hes the best character, he overacts to hell but hes the best character he just reminds me of Bruce Campbell, i don't know why, and the worst THE WORST character by far is the teenager, MY GOD is this guy an arse, typical ubertwat who is just in the film to garner it the 12 rating, which quite frankly is a joke, as he either spends half the film arguing with his dad over boring "dad doesn't like me" rubbish or playing with a dinosaur...WHAT?! i came to watch a film where dinosaurs eat people! not a film that plays out like a CBBC special, it really is a joke, and the teenager as annoying as he is is there to make the film child friendly, but you will, i repeat you WILL spend 80% of the film saying "someone please kill him" but to no avail as he obviously survives. the final point for this film i'm going to talk about is the dinosaurs, now i understand that this is low budget, but could you have picked a more boring set of Dino's? they aren't even interesting, at first you go "ooh pterodactyl!" then you realise it isn't its some bat..thing, then you see a raptory thing that isn't even a raptor its the spitty thing from Jurassic park that blinds the fat guy, also there's a water thing you see for all of 5 seconds and a giant spitter, thats another thing with the film being boring and predictable, when something happens you don't see it! they just flail the camera wildly with crackling as to force the audience to go "ooooh dinosaur!" when really nothing is happening at all! shaky cam is getting boring now. okay in all? if you want a good time with dinosaurs watch Jurassic park or play Dino crisis its as simple as that really unless you want to be bored to death with genericness to the core and a character that will make you want to commit suicide, seriously don't watch it, better things can be done with life. 2/10 it gets 2 for nice-ish scenery...what i saw of it that is..
Mikayla Cooper If you expected a Jurassic Park 4, just don't. It was an entertaining movie for those of us who enjoy dinosaurs. Some of the footage is okay, the open ending was a little disappointing but leaves room for the sequel that i'm hoping for. Okay, okay, how the kid in the movie has several go-pro cameras that would cost him at least a grand; they did make the movie. When attached to the dinosaur going through the water it was done well, one of my favorite parts in the movie. But for a low budget film, you should never expect great things, so i'd say it wasn't terrible, that's for sure.