Architecture 101
Architecture 101
| 22 March 2012 (USA)
Architecture 101 Trailers

When Seung-min was on his first year at the Academy of Architecture, he met Seo-yeon. She was a musician student, and Seung-min totally fell in love with her. Years have passed, and now he meets Seo-yeon again - she asks him to rebuild her father's old house.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
sptih Many contributors have blamed Seung Min for not helping Seo Yeon when she was drunk with strong possibility that she was subsequently raped. Let us examined the issue. 1) Seo Yeon has confessed that she has a crush on Jae Wook . In fact she admitted she took the Architect 101 course because of Jae Wook and she openly flirted with him in his car that she would like to visit his house notwithstanding the poor Seung- Min is lying in the back seat. Worst still she openly denied that she is in a relationship with Seung-Min in order to be closer to Jae Woo. She does not even has the decency to take into consideration the feeling of Seung MIn. Infact she joined Jae Woo in laughing Seung-Min for wearing a fake T Shirt ! 2) What about Seo Yeon. Is it not her own responsibility to ensure that she does not get herself drunk. If you get yourself drunk then you are very vulnerable and you got yourself to be blamed. Seo Yeon has a drinking bling with Jae Wook whom she has a crush. 3) If Seo Yeon is indeed raped by Jae - Wook did she lodge a report with the police for action taken against Jae Wook. If not why ?Looking at all the above maybe Seung Min has taken the right step for not getting himself involved.As to whether Seung Min should rekindle his 1st love with Seo Yeon. The answer is NO as much time has passed. (1) Most importantly Seung Min now have a beautiful fiance who really love and support him and their relationship is soo advance that they are about to get married. If he lose her it will be the biggest mistake of his life (2) Sorry to say Seo Yeon has turned out to be a gold digger and she openly confessed that she is now divorced from her ex husband who is a doctor and she married him for his money (3). Lastly Seo Yeon has never showed any feeling and affection towards Seung Min. Seung Min kissed her and she admitted it is also her first kiss but no response from her. She is so cold blooded. The only time she is excited is when Jae Wook is around. When Seung Min openly declared to her that he is no longer interested in her as he is badly hurt by her sadly Seo Yeon just accepted it with her normal cold blooded self and no efforts on her part to "fight" to retain Seung Min She must be really stupid to have a crush on Jae Wook who is a well known playboy just because he has a house and a car with devastating consequences. If only she has cherished her 1st love, Seung MIn she would have a happy life . Very sad to see Seo Yeon sat ALONE at the window listening to her favourite song with the aeroplane (assuming carrying Seung Min and his fiancee to USA) flying above her. Yes Seo Yeon has alot of money ( Oh I nearly forgotten that she now has a beautiful house) but loveless and lonely which is so pitiful. With such a character it is her destiny to has a lonely life. Lastly with a hindsight even if these 1st love couple managed to over all the obstacles and married in the past (not present) I doubt their marriage will last as Seo Yeon is very materialistic and Seung Min might not be able to provide the standard of living which Seo Yeon wants.
Kentaro11 Successfully illustrates delicate and complex emotions of people living in the modern Korea by following the plot going back and forth in time. The people in this movie have all of their own lives and they are expressed indirectly all over the film. I guess you can find someone who you mirror yourself. The cinematography are well thought out to illustrate emotions of characters in my point of view. Especially I feel the strong sympathy with Seung-min when he is standing in front of Seo-yeon's place. It reminded me of the past nostalgic young days.
matrose-93113 This review is primarily written to give some explanations with in-depth knowledges about Korea.lilyengleman expressed his disgust with valid points - by western standards.However, if he knew the Korean culture and laws back in 90's he would have found the film to be realistic.Seoul is divided in two parts, north and south of the river, the south being the more wealthy one. While the southerners mostly don't exactly look down at people from other parts, the northern people very often have so called poverty-complex. That applies to the boy.Similarly, there is something that can be called province-complex: people not living in Seoul feel like 2nd class citizens. This applies to the girl from Jeju island (almost southern most touristic location)Below is the list what the girl said and did:1) She is an outsider in her music class. The other girls look down at her for having no "class"2) She praises the senior student for being handsome, tall, and rich.3) She dreams of becoming a famous TV announcer and getting married to a rich man.4) She keeps riding with the senior student even after the boy is pi$$ed and gets out of the car. (fake GUESS incident)5) She moved to the crappy base floor room. (presumeably only to have an address in the southern part)The boy was too young and inexperienced to know that the girl most probably did 2) to make him jealous. In addition, he didn't understand that 3) and 5) are perfectly normal for a young girl, especially from a province.Now let's take a look at an old Korean law: marriage scam was a capital crime, almost as severe as rape If a man beds a woman with a promise to marry her, he's stuck. The woman can sue him unless he actually marries her.Many women misused this law: allure a young man from a rich family, sleep with him once, and force him to marry her - poverty problem solved. And that's what the boy thought the girl was doing.I hope my explanation to clarify things that seem odd to some foreign people.The film was quite a pleasant surprise for me since I usually don't watch Korean films. The film is a really well produced one with decent actors except for the main actress(presence). She can't act!!!That's why I don't give a perfect 10 but a 9.
W Ge If you are a male or female who has ever had a childhood crush, this story is too familiar. Architecture 101 will take you through a painful, realistic, and gut-wrenching memoir of growing up next to the childhood love of your life - those best days of your life. However, I have just one major gripe that ruined the movie for me.The acting and dialogue are candid, the cinematography beautiful, and the tragic moments are (in the Korean dramatic fashion) unapologetically tragic. It is not the type of movie to make you cry outright, but it will make you breathe quickly and feel a deep, naive longing. The thing that ruined the movie for me is this: in one of the scenes, a drunk girl is presumably taken advantage of while a boy who is watching not only does nothing to confront the aggressor, but leaves the scene and cries about his misfortunes of liking her with one of his friends, who consequently calls her worse than a w****. Doesn't that make you cringe? It's appalling how this scene isn't rectified; if it had been, Architecture 101 would be one of my favorite movies. Otherwise, it makes me uncomfortable to recommend something that advertises such a cowardly and misogynistic action. So if you feel like there was maybe a little something off about that scene, please know that you are not alone.Would-be 8/10, but marked down for the reasons above.And for the would-be haters, I am a 19 y.o. male (not that it makes a difference to my review).6/10