Appointment with Danger
Appointment with Danger
NR | 03 May 1951 (USA)
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Al Goddard, a detective who works for the United States Postal Inspection Service, is assigned to arrest two criminals who've allegedly murdered a U.S. postal detective.

filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
christopher-underwood Extremely disappointing and although Alan Ladd performs well he alone cannot lift this very routine picture out of its mediocrity. There is some decent location stuff with the railroad and finally a shoot out at the end but this is far more concerned at having its heart in the right place and promoting the mail service as a wonderful institution than in getting down and dirty as a thrilling movie. Its a shame because the mix of gangsters and nuns could have been much more interesting and the spirited performance from Jan Sterling could have been put to much better use. Great title but not such a good picture.
Michael O'Keefe Probably a lesser known Film Noir classic. A hardboiled special investigator Al Goddard(Alan Ladd)is assigned to Gary, Indiana to take control of the investigation of a U.S. Postal Inspector's death...murder. The cold hearted Goddard seeks out the only witness to the crime: a young nun Sister Augustine(Phylis Calvert). Goddard tracks down identity of the bad guys and uncovers a plot to rob a U.S. Mail truck of over a million bucks. The two key culprits are played by none other than Jack Webb and Harry Morgan(known for their detective duo roles on Dragnet). Paul Stewart plays the leader and brains of the gang and seems always to have his moll Dodie(Jan Sterling)in close company. The stoic Ladd fills the bill as Goddard. Also in the cast: Stacy Harris, David Wolfe, Geraldine Wall and James Cornell.
secondtake Appointment with Danger (1951)A good, run-of-the-mill crime story. It's more a heist film than a true noir, and it has a popular twist of featuring a government cop as the lead character. There are several FBI films like this (they start with a shot of government building and have a serious narrator or title card give the context), but this is the only one I know of about the U.S. Post Office police.Alan Ladd is a solid actor, in urban crime films or in Westerns, but he's never quite inspiring or memorable, and so the movie is hampered from the start. On the other hand, there is a slew of interesting secondary characters, and some are real characters (like the ever-impressive Paul Stewart, who had his real start in "Citizen Kane"). We get to bomb through some great sets and locations (including the waterfront), and the photography by John Seitz (one of the best, see "Sunset Blvd." and "Double Indemnity") is great. The editing seemed a little sudden at times, almost as if this was shortened version (it wasn't, as far as anyone has noted), but you have to pay attention a couple times to follow what happens. In a way, I think they expect the audience to know the usual twists of this kind of plot, and if that helps explain its fast cutting, it also reveals a kind of formula behind it all.See it? Yes, of course. It's great in particular ways.
blanche-2 Alan Ladd has an "Appointment with Danger" in this 1951 film also starring Phyllis Calvert, Jack Webb, Jan Sterling and Paul Stewart. Ladd is a postal inspector who goes undercover to stop a robbery after his partner is murdered and a nun (Calvert) can identify the man leaving the murder scene. It's up to Ladd and the police to see that she's protected while catching the robbers in the act.This is a routine drama, with the handsome Ladd playing a cynical inspector with his usual straightforward delivery. But he seems to walk through this role laconically. The minute I saw Jack Webb and his "Dragnet" partner Henry Morgan together in their pre-TV series days, I wasn't looking for a scintillating script, figuring that one of Webb's cronies had something to do with it. He did. Webb played the criminal in this the way he played Joe Friday, showing us that in Webb's hands anyway, there's no difference what side of the law you're on. Henry Morgan, however, made a sleazy criminal.The best performance comes from Phyllis Calvert, who is just right as the nun and contributes some spark to this film. Jan Sterling contributes some more spark, but her role is a throwaway."Dragnet" never did a thing for me, and once I see Webb (the exception being "Sunset Boulevard") I can't summon up much enthusiasm. If you're a "Dragnet" and/or Webb fan, you'll enjoy this a bit more than I did.