Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
NR | 20 February 2013 (USA)
Apostle Peter and the Last Supper Trailers

The film portrays Saint Peter reflecting on his time with Jesus and his fellow Apostles during his final imprisonment in Rome. In particular, Peter attempts to convert one of his jailers, Martinian, by relating the life, teachings, and sacrifice of Jesus.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
SimonJack No histories, biographies, or other books record the exact conversations and daily details of people. Beyond the general overview and summary of the lives of someone, any story put into a book or film necessarily includes much dialog that is made up. Serious and honest writers and movie makers will research their subject thoroughly from the records available, and then write and create characters and situations as true to the person as they can imagine.So it is with characters from biblical times. Beyond what we read in the Bible, who knows what the apostles did and said, or what their lives were like after the death and resurrection of Jesus? In telling a story of any part of a Bible character's life, one must imagine what scenes and dialogs would be like to fill in details and expand on the printed record.The makers of this film did a decent job in portraying Peter in his jail time in Rome before his execution. We see a Peter as many Christians might have visualized him over the centuries. We see Peter as he likely responded to the inquisitiveness of his guards. And what he might have said and how it might have affected his guards. Of course, he would talk about Jesus and witness to his life.So, this is a good film from that standpoint. Robert Loggia is very good in the role of the elderly Peter. The rest of the fictitious characters are so-so. The brusk head-jailer seems overly acted. But other than the role of Peter, there's nothing noteworthy about this production. As one other reviewer noted, the CGI scenes of rooftops looking down on a city are not helpful to the story. If anything, they are a distraction – a reminder that this probably is a cheap production. Why they couldn't have taken some stock footage of scenes shot on movie sets used before is beyond me. Or staged some scenes in old towns with people dressed according to the time. The still, misty view of CGI rooftops of a town look like something from a comic book. They are so phony that they detract from any effort to portray an authentic situation.This film has a feel of staginess. How much might it have cost to have a couple of segues to show a street or alley scene with people coming and going outside the jail? With nothing else noteworthy about this film, I give it just six stars.
Stefan I was a bit skeptic about the casting for the title role. Here we have Robert Loggia who has played a drug lord in "Scarface", Feech in "The Sopranos", Sallie in "Innocent Blood" and last but not least the Mr. Eddy/Dick Laurent in David Lynch's "Lost Highway". Can he really pull off the role of the second most important figure in Christianity? The answer is a resounding yes.It's obvious that the production ran on a very low budget. You can count on one hand how many settings there are. However what it lacks in settings and special effects it makes up with acting and a solid script. Here we have Robert Loggia playing Peter in chains in Rome and the dungeon guard Martinius starts to converse with him about Jesus and his last days. Loggia gives a great performance as an old Peter ready to die, but still finding strength and joy in telling about his last days with Jesus. As mentioned before the production seems very low budget, there are no scenes where we see Jesus flogged, going through Via Dolorosa and get crucified and resurrected. So while it may have to do with a low budget, the fact is that Peter did not witness the flogging and crucifixion so from a historical point of view it seemed fine to leave out those scenes.The title of the film really expresses who the film is about: the apostle Peter and his view, thoughts and feelings during the last days of Jesus and his teachings. A critique against it is that there are a couple of really unnecessary scenes where the Devil tries to tempt Peter in jail. Those should have been cut since they serve no purpose whatsoever. Thankfully, they are few and very short. I have to complain as well about the poorly made CGI shots of the city.The acting from the supporting actors is done fantastic as well, especially Martinius and his wife. All in all this film is really about the message of Peter to the Romans. It's an interesting script with solid acting that really highlights and underlines the message -- not necessarily the content itself -- of Easter in the Christian tradition. I'd watch this film instead of "The Passion" anytime and I hope it picks up a following.
brandonsullivan91 Writing a review for this movie is like telling an uncoordinated kid who dreams of playing professional sports that they should consider computer science. The desire of this movie is to challenge people to consider Jesus Christ as Lord. I get it. I promote the same message.The quality and resources of the movie do not deliver. Within the first minutes I find myself looking at the rooftops of blatantly obvious computer generated houses from 1990. It would have been much better to scrap those shots, instead of reminding viewers of the location and Biblical time setting it reminded me I was watching a low budget movie.One low budget aspect I enjoyed supremely was the wig and beard choices. Wow! I cried from laughing so hard. One of the disciples looked like Confucius.Much of the acting falls flat and is not nearly inspired enough to warrant viewing the movie, in which we spend 50% of the time in a jail cell(obvious set).The worst part is that this "Biblical" movie has a lot of conjecture and lines you will not find in the Bible. I'm not referring to the jail scenes which is obviously the setup for our flashbacks to Jesus. The flashbacks add lines...for instance: at the last supper one of the disciples threatens to harm the betrayer. Not recorded in the Bible. Sure, it could have been, they were passionate guys...it could have been part of the murmuring BUT IT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE. Even if you don't care at all about Biblical accuracy the movie is sub par. I couldn't get through it without fast forwarding much of it.
loaiza17 I watch this minimum twice a month and I get so much out of it each time! I've watched it since it came out! The actors take you there as if you were part of the moment from beginning to end. Great movie, great performance, edifying to the heart, mind, and soul! Excellent illustration of the Gospel in a simple way. A treasure to have and pass on to the next generation. I recommend it to all who seek to understand the truth of a friend who laid His life down for LOVE.... Enlightens the true meaning of forgiveness, true love, grace, and a sovereign God who loves us. May all of you who choose to watch this movie be blessed with a closer relationship with God and an understanding of how much HE loves us...
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