| 25 March 2013 (USA)
Animus Trailers

Hoping to find proof of the paranormal, five film students set out to document the legendary Copper Queen Hospital. But as the sun goes down, they experience something far worse than they ever could have imagined and they find themselves pursued by a blood thirsty maniac

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Paul Magne Haakonsen For an amateurish movie, then I am sure that "Animus" was doing quite well by itself, but if you sit down to be fully entertained and watch a proper horror movie, well, your money is better spent elsewhere.I gave up roughly about halfway through the movie, or there about, just when the killer - whom I assume must have been Isaac, given the starting credits. Why? Well, because the movie was just downright boring and uneventful.I am sure that all of the Davis people had fun making this movie, and I am sure that the actors and actresses did too. But the movie was just too much of a unfinished product to sit down and watch. But of course, perhaps this was a learning experience, how do I know?Storyline? Well, initially it is a group of people who go to an old abandoned hospital, which is allegedly haunted. (Something seen in many other horror movies, particularly bad 'found footage' movies.)The characters in the movie, well they were adequate, but weren't really fully detailed or having enough dimension. It was as if they came off forced, scripted and wooden at most times, giving the cast very little to work with.As for the effects? Well, I gave up before I could really see any, so I have no clue how well - or lack thereof - the special effects department did. The scene with the nurse and doctor in the operating room was a little bit too 'borrowed' from "Silent Hill" in my opinion.I will say that the movie was nicely shot, some good camera-work here and there. But what was the best in the movie was the music and sounds, that was nailed right on the head.The movie, or at least what I saw of it, didn't impress, nor did it manage to captivate or allure in any sense. And as such, I am rating "Animus" a mere 2 out of 10 stars.
komer83 This movie was a complete waste of 83 minutes, not including the popcorn. It starts nice, cool story bro. But that about it. You think there's going to be a story, and a good one because it begins really nice, but there is no story, there is no line, it's just nothing. Bad acting, no real story, funny dead puppets. Complete waste of time, don't bother. If you want some horror and/or gore, this movie is not for you. In fact, this movie is not for anyone. There are ghosts in this movie, but they are not doing anything and not relating to the story. There is a killer there, but who, what, where, or anything about him, is unknown. You can make some connections in your mind, but you can't say if you're right or wrong because there is no story, only a beginning of one. So really, don't waste your time on it, better watch Power Rangers all over again.
Theo Robertson ANIMUS gets off to a relatively good opening with a gory murder followed by a suicide and I was somewhat surprised just how gory this was and also draws the audience in to the story . As the story proper starts we're then introduced to a bunch of film students studying at the University of Tucson . The students are young and good looking and I got feeling we might be watching a very traditional horror film like we had in the 1980s where horny teenagers get chopped up by a psycho killer . Indeed we have a very minor character called Wes Carpenter and this self reference gives you a clue what you're going to be watching - horny teenagers fighting for their lives The problem is that very little happens after the pre-titles hook and the writer/director Quin Davis and early on in order to spice things up we have a horror sequence which is revealed to be a nightmare . This draws attention that for long segments very little is happening plot wise . The story drags at a snails pace and since the other reviews have mentioned the cinematography so will I - it's unimpressive and very grainy and nowhere near being compared to big budget Hollywood horror films . The camera work is also very static but I suppose that's due to a lack of money and post production facilities . Horror junkies especially ones who remember the 1980s might enjoy ANIMUS but not being much of a horror fan I didn't
J. Davis This film was actually somewhat of a surprise to me when considering the low rating and turned out to something I actually enjoyed. Just looking at the background of this first time writer/director gave me an idea of the potential this film could have, him having a solid background in special effects/make-up really shows all throughout the film. The plot is about our lead character Maya(Megan Davis), a college film student tasked with the assignment of making a documentary film. She sets out in hopes of finding the paranormal with four friends at the legendary Copper Queen Hospital, which supposedly is haunted by the ghost of the head doctor's illegitimate son, who disappeared there long ago, presumed murdered by the doctor's angry wife. Instead they find a horror far more real than any ghost & much more dangerous, a blood thirsty maniac hell bent on slicing & dicing anyone that enters into his realm. The cinematography is good, the effects & make-up are as good as any big budget Hollywood horror release. The acting by our lead Maya is acceptable although I can't say the same for the rest of the cast. Their purpose seemed to be limited to being killed off violently as they added little more to the film in terms of story and acting ability. Other than that indiscretion the film really excelled in it's special effects & gore. I also noticed some influence from other great films from the past during certain scenes which was interesting. That said, while not perfect it was an entertaining film that any horror fan should take a liking to. A recommended low budget time killer 4.5/10