| 20 July 2015 (USA)
Angel Trailers

Angel, a woman who was horribly abused by her grandmother as a little girl and institutionalized after killing her, embarks on a killing spree as an adult. Though sentenced for the rest of her life to an insane asylum, Angel was released due to inside governmental pressure while being pronounced dead in order to avoid public outcry. Now Angel’s on the loose again, and a government agent is ordered to kill her in order to cover up the blunder.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
GazerRise Fantastic!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Platypuschow This British thriller tells the story of Angel, a girl in the centre of a paedophilia conspiracy that goes deep into the heart of the UK government. Her mind cracked after years of abuse she is on a killing spree and several branches of law enforcement are after her for varying reasons.One thing I'll say about Angel is it's smart, its well written and a very clever piece of cinema. Everything that happens is entirely believable and many parts could be considered almost a dark satire.The trouble is its not very entertaining. We witness Angel on one side and the powers that be on the other leading to the inevitable showdown but when the credits rolled I found myself unimpressed with the film.Well written, well created and exceeds most British pieces but perhaps it just needed a bit more time to develop. Something about Angel simply missed the mark.The Good: Very clever little film The Bad: John Hannahs presence is hardly felt What the hell is with that cover? Things I Learnt From This Movie: After all the sexual offences within Parliment that Prime Minister Theresa May has brushed under the carpet this could very well be based on a true story
Michael Ledo The film opens with young Angel killing a little girl and a psychic who apparently didn't see it coming. She is sentenced to life in prison. Due to circumstances we discover later, she (Jenn Murray) is released 15 years later and starts killing again which included flashbacks to her abused childhood. There are cops who are quietly trying to get her, which included a bad guy played by Christopher Sciueref who had one of the ugliest grills I have seen in the movies. The killings and stabbings were done off screen, all we got to see were the results. Minimum gore.Based on the book "Core of Evil" by Nigel McCrery.
Carlos Idelone I was surprised to read the highly negative reviews for this film. I found it creepy and intriguing. The theme of child abuse pulled at my heart strings. The strange mixture of politics and intimate horror, was quite unusual and interesting, as such. The fact, that the film is British added to my pleasure, as I generally find British films more realistic/serious, than American films. I appreciated all the actors in their roles. The tough female cop, although not unattractive, didn't look like a (ridiculous) fashion model, as so many do in American crime films. I thought, that she had a realistic edginess. This wasn't a "great" film, but I appreciated its dark quirkiness.
quincytheodore Still Waters (Angel) is almost a parody of classic sci-fi Species. It follows an enigmatic girl as she goes on a killing spree while a team of experts is chasing her. The delivery is astonishingly bad and highly unrealistic, it practically becomes comedy at times. Script consists of profanity spamming for every other sentences, which doesn't help the forced silly acting. The movie is a test of patience and endurance.The problem starts with the main character Angel (Jenn Murray). Be it the direction or acting from Murray, she looks like a ludicrous imitation of mannequin. It's so terribly exaggerated with repetitive bland monologue and sudden burst of tantrum. This is supposedly to be a dangerous girl, yet she just looks odd as though she's is trapped in bizarre Halloween party for eternity, both the look and reaction are so fake.Other characters don't fare better either. They are made of several crime drama clichés, the stern female investigator for example. She is the epitome of 80s macho template but now in lady form. The bravado is superficially overwhelming, she may just wear eyepatch and grow a beard. Surprisingly, John Hannah is here, though it doesn't help much with the feeble script.Writing is sloppy, utilizing chain of curses for any development. Furthermore, the story is littered with irregularities, from surreal reactions to dumb characters. It tries to bring heavy issue like child abuse or psychological trauma, yet the presentation is too odd to be believable. There's no decent conclusion for the excruciating spectacle.There's a term, uncanny valley, to depict CGI effect that almost mimics real human but eerily not enough and eventually looking like strange doll. This applies to this movie, it extremely fake and foolish, it's unbearable to watch.