Best movie of this year hands down!
Good start, but then it gets ruined
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Keira Brennan
The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
I found out about this movie on the internet - it looked good -Shannon Lee, a Golden Harvest Production,Benny the Jet as the bad guy, directed by the same guy that did the action scenes in Romeo Must Die, so hell I'll give it a go. Well, to put it mildly, this is a very disappointing film - first off it is dubbed and the dubbing and overall sound are terrible. Secondly, Shannon Lee copies many of her fathers trademark moves, and other actions from his movies - i.e. ripping of hair into hand a'la Chuck Norris fight scene from 'Way'. Even the action is poorly done - it is way too fast, so you cant see what the hell is going on, & the story and plot has more holes than the Titanic. The end fight scene between Lee & Urquidez is OK. Shannon Lee is better, and deserves better, than this loads of old cobblers.
Saw And Now You're Dead with English dubbing! Peeeuuw! stinker!the dubbing that is! But the action is quite ok. Martial Arts mixed with gun play can't be bad. Well the acting, oh boy! Shannon Lee is a very bad actress, but a great martial artist! Michael Wong acts bad as usual. But Anita Yuen is good! but misplaced in this flick.The best that can be said about this flick is: Some great action martial arts stuff, and the finale between Shannon and Benny the Jet! Boy he can still kick ass!!!!! a finale that is tough to forget. But then again when Benny enters the screen he lights up the screen. 6 out of 10.
It seems Hong Kong movies and John Woo/ Ringo Lam films have influenced everybody these days and now it seems even Hong Kong movies have become influenced by the heddy days of heroic bloodshed for which Woo is credited for.Shannon Lee and her gang are major jewel theives out to rob a diamond (think The Pink Pather but with Kung Fu), but they are also in contention with street pickpockets wanting to hit the big time.With lots of action underscoring and a lack of characterisation on any of the main characters, its action all the way. Shannon has no personality except when she smiles with her eyebrows. She looks like a Xena meets Trinity.The main good guy is over the top and sometimes saves the films with his outlandish remarks. The action never lets up, and although some of it is remarkably dull or very similar to Police Story III or other movies, there is a refreshing pace to the film.Shannon and Benny Uriqudez have a good fight in the end die-hard-in-a-blimp sequence, but it pales in comparison with the Jackie Chan fights with Benny the Jet.Shannon makes a good effort of being a gymnast-cum-diamond theif who can do quick kicks and quick side-on gags at her father (Bruce Lee) by doing the same things her father does (ie. rip off hair, do that thing with his nose or doing warcries), unfortuently it makes the film, and shannon very silly, she shouldn't be copying Mr Lee, she should do what she wants to do and leave history to Judge Bruce, not silly side on gags.There are plot silliness to the film, and although a fun film to watch, it isn't the best of Hong Kong Cinema, give it a miss.Overall: 3/10
Curtis G.
I'm not sure what HK movies the other reviewers have been watching, but Enter the Eagles is nowhere near the top of the heap in HK action. Michael "Fitz" Wong should be glad he can get acting jobs in HK, because he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag in English. Shannon Lee looks good and is a fantastic fighter (even better with the leg fighting than her dad), but her acting skills are also sub-par. In fact, all the English dialog (90% of the movie--even more than in Gen-Y Cops) is so bad that I switched to Mandarin audio just to spare myself the misery of the bad dialog delivery and the redundancy of the English subs. Sure, there are some decent gunfights (but nothing we haven't already seen before) and good cinematography, but the cheesy visual effects really spoil the action.
That said, it's worth the price of admission to watch Shannon and Benny "The Jet" Urquidez go at it. Spectacular, and almost worth watching the rest of the movie for.Finally, you might notice some scenes that seem "familiar" to you, notably a shootout at an outdoor market (think Matrix) and Fitz diving out of a helicopter wearing black fatigues (think MI:2). Guess someone thought at least a few things in this flick were worth ripping off.