Anarchy Parlor
Anarchy Parlor
| 29 July 2016 (USA)
Anarchy Parlor Trailers

Six young college hopefuls vacationing and partying in Lithuania get more than they bargained for when they unwittingly get caught up in a maniacal tattoo artist's fiendish side business.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
thesar-2 Wow, you're late. Well, I am too, being that this came out over a year ago, but they were super late to the Hostel/Saw torture porn already- faded fad.There are two things that work in this movie. (Three, if you're a heterosexual male or lesbian: tons of titties!) One: the actual, and minute, torture scenes were quite effective. Definitely had to look away for a few moments; they was pretty intense. And two: Robert LaSardo formally known as The Artist…in this crapfest.He acted, spoke and stole scenes better than four times the ability of anyone else, with the exception of his protégé – she was pretty decent, so she gets a two times less than LaSardo. If not for all the other garbage in this "thriller," I would actually highly recommend the movie for him alone. When the movie opens, we're introduced to both insanely terrible dialogue – so bad, I thought this movie was dubbed and tried to follow their mouths when they spoke to see if it was; incredibly, this was actually from the script – and sort of a group of Americans in what appears to be maybe Europe. The movie opens so vaguely that when the actual plot kicks in, or even more than half the movie was over, it was hard to attach ourselves to any main character or care if any of them lived or died.The gist of it is: one of the travelling friends and his could-be-love- interest hook up with a girl with danger written all over her…literally. She takes them to The Artist and his tattoo parlor and after the few good scenes in the movie, the nightmare begins for those two "customers." The rest of this crud involves nobody friends of the two initial victims trying to find them and fake arguing to what they should do.I guess you could call it a nostalgia flick for the torture porn movies of days long since passed, but it seemed more of a "Wait? Those days are over?" surprise from the two writers/directors of this. Just watch Robert LaSardo's other works. Trust me: it won't be hard to find something else he's been in. ***Final thoughts: Like most movie-goers, my friend saw the trailer first and was interested. Personally, I despise trailers as they give away too much, or even a little that I would rather be surprised about in the movie. I did watch this trailer…afterwards and I can say I'm glad I didn't see it before. It showed a ton of scenes I had no idea were coming. Granted, it didn't give away everything – there was one poor twist in the ending it avoided, but it certainly would've ruined a ton for me. Luckily, I do have friends like mine who will watch trailers for me and tell me if I'd be interested. THAT…I can get behind. Spoiling trailers, not so much.
michael-3204 Grim, amateurish little torture porn bauble set in a Vilnius tattoo parlor, only slightly elevated by a menacing performance from Robert LaSardo as "The Artist." He's the only thing worth watching here, despite the lovely location, which this film wastes. The other performances are so appalling and the dialogue so unimaginative that it's hard to tell how much of it was improvised -- on one hand, I can't imagine anyone writing this garbage out and thinking, "Yeah, that sounds right;" on the other, all the characters (The Artist excepted) sound exactly alike, even with multiple accents, each as aggressively unlikable and inarticulate as the next. A film called "Anarchy Parlor" might reasonably be expected to deliver some inkling of wild imagination, some hint that the filmmakers understand transgression. This predictable, mundane mess fails to deliver.
GL84 While partying in a Lithuanian club, a group of friends' visit to a renown tattoo parlor causes them to stumble upon the deranged owner and assistant who are using them to perfect new methods of tattooing and must save them before it's too late.Overall this one here was quite impressive and really had a lot to like about it. As with the majority of these style films, this one really gets quite a lot to like here when it's delving into the torture of the group-members, which are some of the film's best parts here. The opening ambush at the club is a lot of fun effectively showing the group out at the club and how it all starts segueing rather nicely into the first torture sequence where they begin the process quite earlier in the film than expected. The slow dismembering and flaying of the body makes for quite a chilling scene as the process becomes more and more explicit while the graphic cutting continues on. Once he turns back to her and begins going after her, this is a little more chilling with the way it goes for the psychological tormenting of her before the actual torturing begins. The scenes with the rest of the captured friends makes for more good times as the depravity matches the cruelty and bloodshed quite well, carving into the naked bodies with abandon and making sure that the deep cuts bring forth gushing wounds that makes for a wholly impressive sequence, while the big finale makes for more great fun as there's the multitude of brawling and escape attempts, the chase through the streets and finally getting the whole thing settled nicely with the shocking double-turn which comes off rather unexpectedly. Coupled all together with the intimidating main villain and a healthy serving of appreciated nudity from those well-qualified to deliver it, there's plenty to like and enjoy with this one to hold off the minor problems. The biggest issue is the utterly cliché storyline at play, feeling like so many other films of the type where the spoiled group of friends find something sinister lurking behind the facade of Eastern Europe and it tends to play those scenarios off without any deviation beyond the front of hiding their true intentions. As well, with all the focus on them partying and looking to have fun throughout the city, this does seem to take a while to get to the torture which isn't a bad thing as it's not a sluggish, dull pace but does leave this one with a slightly overlong period in the beginning. While not detrimental at all, these do hold this back slightly overall.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Extreme Graphic Language, Nudity, drug use and Sexual Content.
fightsense Alright, I have to chime in here, seen this film 3 times and every time I find out something new about the story. Not sure if that's just myself feeling smart or if it was the filmmakers intent. Never the less this was probably my favorite horror film in the last 5 years. This one came out of left field in the sea of slow-burn crap that has been poising the horror waters as of late. The film was super fast, exciting and gory but had substance as the Artist played by Robert Lasardo really delivered. This dude is super creepy but yet endearing, call me messed up but I found myself cheering for him to succeed in his quest! The Artist had this calmness about him that makes you uncomfortable, and I mean that in a good way, I was effected by his performance. No spoilers from me do to IMDb's stupid policy. Anyways big fan of this film, super hot chicks, all of them! I was in awe of Joey Fisher, holy crap she is hot! PLEASE do a sequel and put her in it! It's rare to see such natural busty beauty in the Ent biz today, and to top it off she can act! Anyways to wrap this up, the film was a smart, gory fun ride from begging to end. If you want something fresh, crazy and against the norm, check it out. Highly recommended!