Amsterdam Heavy
Amsterdam Heavy
| 12 September 2011 (USA)
Amsterdam Heavy Trailers

CIA Agent Martin Keele (Michael Madsen - Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill) sets the wheels spinning in this gritty urban action thriller, as mysterious gangster J.D. goes on the rampage in Amsterdam, stopping at nothing to uncover those who have betrayed him

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
martyngevans im trying hard not to turn this film off at the moment, the acting, if thats what you call it, is about as awful as it gets, the action scenes are fairly bad, but when the fight scenes are so bloody awful that you wish you could take your own eyes out, then you know its bad. if this had been made by school children, with no writing experience, no money for effects or action and no fighting experience, on a cheap camcorder, they would have made a better film than this. im glad i didn't pay full price for this ( found it in bargain bin in tescos, that should have been first sign ), and when im done writing this im taking the DVD out to be shot, to put it out of everyones misery. 1 out of 10 was a generous rating, but is the lowest allowed on IMDb.
Tommy_B_Goode I am absolutely and seriously surprised that there are some positive reviews here !My vote was 1 out of 10, but that's only because there was no 0 to choose in the box !I have never... and I mean this from the bottom of my heart... NEVER seen a worse movie than this one.First of all it's ridiculous that almost everybody speaks English in this movie while it sets in Amsterdam. Please don't go to Amsterdam and think that people there all speak English !Secondly ; the acting, I have only 1 thing to say about that ; it is non-existent! there is no acting, its just people saying their lines ! apart from 2 exceptions that is. Allison Carroll and Michael Madsen are acting, it's just the rest that isn't !3rd ; the filming itself was not even poor anymore, just downright awful !4th ; the fight scenes, sometimes when the fight scenes are badly made you laugh at it. This however was SO bad I genually had to cry !Such a shame, the story was good it could have made for a good movie, but they somehow managed to screw it up in the worst way !I can't believe I actually spent money on this! There's 90 minutes of my life i'll never get back!
photomiro One of the worst movie I saw in my entire life. In the Middle East they make better movies with a lower budget. There is no story Acting is very bad actually it's hopeless case . Even children between 5 and eight can act better in a movie. I was shocked to see a movie this bad in 2011 . The production is bad the music is terrible the special effects is very very bad . I have no idea how they came up with this idea to make a movie this bad. If they give awards for bad movies I think this movie should get the first prize. Even Michael Madsen who was a good actor in the past of course in my opinion he should be ashamed of himself to act in movies this bad. I saw a few movies lately by Madsen he really sucks . So in my opinion stay away from watching this movie because you are going to waste an hour or so from your precious life .
john walker This film's got some great scenes and one liners and really kicked some ass. It reminded me of a kind of seventies vibe with some funny villains and a whole bunch of sleezy stuff like an old Shaft movie but with some cool action. Back to VHS land! They do a funny/cool shoot out on bikes...what?! some of the acting's a bit stiff but so was Jean Claude in his day? Right? Plus it's got some heavy MMA guys too. Love Madsen. Alison Carroll is great too as the 'stripper with guns' ha ha. as the dude in Gladiator says 'are you not entertained?' if you want a documentary watch HBO. if you want art go to a gallery. if you want 90 minutes whacked out in Amsterdam go for Amsterdam Heavy