Police Story 4: First Strike
Police Story 4: First Strike
PG-13 | 10 January 1997 (USA)
Police Story 4: First Strike Trailers

Hong Kong cop Chan Ka-Kui returns, working with Interpol to track down and arrest an illegal weapons dealer. Chan later realizes that things are not as simple as they appear and soon finds himself to be a pawn of an organization posing as Russian intelligence.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) Jackie, a cop, participates in a sting operation on an international spy-ring, but when one of them (Tsui) gets away, Jackie is ordered to apprehend him. This leads Jackie all over the globe starting with Tsui's sister in Australia. The story follows him as he tries to stay alive and capture the villain. This is an unrelated sequel to Police Story. It's the weakest of the lot, but as far as action goes, it delivers in a big way. Let me tell you something right from the outset. Forget about a solid storyline, its not gonna happen. It's very thin, plot-wise, and relies on big action sequences. The dubbing is atrocious, and the villains are so poor, that they are hardly even noticeable, despite a few twists and turns during this movie. Between the opening action sequence, involving some snowboarding, or some incredible stunt sequences by Jackie on a high building, and the amazing sequence, involving Jackie and a ladder, this movie is quite a thrill ride when the action sequences commence. Jackie Chan is reliable as ever. He doesn't have a whole lot to act with, but he has charisma in spades. His character shows some decent emotion at times as well. This was one of Jackie's breakout his in the USA. The rest of the actors are poorly dubbed, so it's hard to really say how they did. I also liked the well timed comedic sequences. Jackie knows how to combine action & comedy with the best of them. This is far from Jackie's best, hell. It's not even the best in the Police Story series, in fact, it's the worst. But that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable, because it is. Watch it for the action, and just have fun6.4/10
ebiros2 This is the fourth installment of Jackie Chan's Police story series.The movie is separated into two parts. The first part is in Russia and the second part is in Australia. Jackie is after an ex-CIA agent Tsui who've stolen a nuclear bomb. Another group of terrorists are after the bomb too. Jackie gets between the terrorists and Tsui, and the terrorists tries to kill him too. Tsui's sister Annie and Jackie gets together, and tries to recover the case hidden in the aquarium.This movie was made during the period Jackie Chan was making movies in international locations. The story and the comedy is especially well done, perhaps it's because the screen play was written by four people. The fight sequences at the high rise hotel and the aquarium are one of Jackie's best.Good movie that will give you lots of laughs and action.
iKickstand I'm pretty sure this was one of the first Jackie Chan movies I saw, and the point where I became a fan. After watching it again last night, I can see why I started to like Jackie so much after this film.The film isn't perfect, far from it. As very common in these films, it takes ages to settle into any proper action or story, carries the trademark terrible dialogue in all talking scenes and has a whole host of continuity errors and goofs. But what this film does have, in my opinion, is possibly Chans best overall performance of his career so far.This film shows how much of an athletic talent Jackie really is, from the fight scenes to all the ways Jackie climbs over obstacles and into windows during the movie. This movie really showed me what a leading man was capable in the way of stunts when I first saw it, and still shows what the human body can do in any situation.I don't think it really needs any more praise on here, but the mid movie ladder fight (and all build up to it) really needs to be seen to be believed. The gag real at the end of the movie show how dangerous this really was as well.I just love Jackie's acrobatic style in this film. I am so glad I still find movies like this entertaining after I was so disappointed by the much hyped drunken master and original police story. I still need to see a few more of Chan's early work, but for now, this is my fav.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) This moniker wasn't a joke. This movie really proved it's point. Compared to "Rumble in the Bronx" and "Supercop", "Jackie Chan's First Strike" packed a major punch! All the sabotage, the espionage, Jackie Chan was really ready to rumble. Survive the biting cold seemed rough for Jackie, but he managed very well. Sometimes he character seemed to wonder who were the good guys and who were the bad caused some wonder. In the scene where he was heavily bugged, he didn't do bad on the old 60's song "I Will Follow You", and it was embarrassing when everyone saw his posterior, I would rather hide in a thorny bush, than to be seen nude myself, unless the women are driven wild by male nudity. Then there's the fight scene in the aquarium, where the sharks and sea urchins have their way with the victims. And most of all the ladders fight which is the most memorable of all scenes. I liked it all, the turnout, the plot and the choreography, this Jackie Chan movie is the tops. Rating 4 out of 5 stars.