Amber's Story
Amber's Story
| 04 September 2006 (USA)
Amber's Story Trailers

This is the tragic and true story of the abduction of Amber Hagerman. Her family and the community's efforts to find her and bring her kidnapper to justice prove to be a groundbreaking movement toward implementing a government-run tracking system.

Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
PeachHamBeach I'm not here to nitpick about accents. Elizabeth Rohm gives a wonderful, emotional performance of a brokenhearted, angry mother. All of the actors are great, but Rohm is the one who has to carry the film, and she does so successfully. The second half of the film, which intercuts from future to past, displays how the "Amber Alert" system operates today. It was a very creepy person this working mom chose to watch her daughter. It was riveting, very horrifying at times, and of course, a fitting tribute to a little girl who was stolen from her family by an amoral coward.I hope the coward is caught one day. If he did it to one child, he's done it to another.
Cedric_Catsuits I give it 2 for at least attempting to tell an important story and raise awareness, but if it wasn't dealing with such a serious issue and I was rating it as a movie alone, it would have to be 0/10.Much has been written here about Rohm's accent, and as a film fan and someone who dated a Texan, I have to say I was quite shocked. In fact, I am quite convinced many of the words coming out of her mouth were spoken by someone else, or dubbed afterwards. Either way, it was unconvincing to put it mildly.As a fan of Angel and having watched every episode at least 3 times, I am very familiar with Rohm. I happen to think her performance as Kate Lockley was excellent, so I disagree with the "she can't act" opinions. However she certainly didn't act here, and nor was she alone in that.The only performance in this movie worth mentioning was that of Jodelle Ferland, who is one of the best child actors around. If she gets the right parts, she will be an Academy award winner, or I'll eat my hat.Watch it if you want to learn about Amber's story, but don't watch it for entertainment value.
Nessabstyle I highly doubt you are who you say you are, but for argument sake if you are...I'm here to tell you that this movie wasn't meant to portray your father in a light you see fit. This movie was a dedication to Amber and her story and how her tragic death gave many children a chance to live due to the amber alert being used across the country. Its a movie of course its dramatized that's why it says BASED on a true story. Get over yourself! This movie was excellent, the acting was excellent, and the story was tragic and should have never of happened. My heart goes out to Amber and her family....This movie should run more often it will be airing on lifetime July 11
cutelovelylisa1982 This movie was really good. I remember when amber went missing and when she was found murdered. The old man glenn in this movie is very creepy though and really made the story come to life. I really recommend anyone to see this movies if you like documentaries or just like movies in general. I think that it is really sad though to know there are people out there that would hurt children.and the comment above your ridiculous to say the acting was bad, because it was very well done i thought. for a lifetime movie that is. I understand we all have our own opinions, but still. They might of gone a bit overboard, but don't they normally do that in movies?