Amateur Porn Star Killer 2
Amateur Porn Star Killer 2
| 13 May 2008 (USA)
Amateur Porn Star Killer 2 Trailers

The second film in writer-director Shane Ryan's series finds himself back playing the serial killer Brandon who lures a young woman (Kai Lanette) into a hotel room where they're supposed to make a porn movie but his plans include killing her.

Steineded How sad is this?
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Michael_Elliott Amateur Porn Star Killer 2 (2008)* (out of 4)The second film in writer-director Shane Ryan's series finds himself back playing the serial killer Brandon who lures a young woman (Kai Lanette) into a hotel room where they're supposed to make a porn movie but his plans include killing her.It seems this series has many people who hate it but I actually enjoyed the first movie and thought it was rather disturbing but extremely well-made. The original film had a very simply plot but director Ryan did an extremely good job bringing it to life and it managed to work. Sadly, the same can't be said for this sequel, which is a pretty big mess. I will say, however, that Ryan at least did a good job in the acting department and I thought Lanette was also good in her role.There are all sorts of problems with this film, which is basically just a remake of the first one. What made the original film work so well is that it really did feel like you were watching a real snuff film of a woman being brutally raped and murdered by a serial killer. The same can't be said with this movie because there's a music score that adds nothing and there are all sorts of experimental filters and colors going on here. The experimental nature makes it clear that there's a "director" behind the camera operating everything and this simply ruins the snuff film appeal of the first movie.The biggest problem is that the film is just downright dull as well. Just check out the opening sequence, which seems to drag on forever as we see various women being filmed by the killer. There are flashback scenes here that add nothing to the picture and in all honesty they're not all that memorably filmed. AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER 2 sadly just never works and in the end we're left with a boring movie.
christopher-underwood Much the same set-up as the original, Amateur Porn Star Killer, but quite a different film due to the absence of the 'little girl' element and the introduction of a more knowing and initially complicit 'victim'. Difficult to watch but hypnotic nevertheless with its crazy editing and beguiling images. Here the lady in tow is clearly up for some rough sex and Kai Lanette gives an amazingly believable performance. The flashbacks to previous rapes and killings continually disrupt the 'main event' but contribute to the 'realness' and force us to struggle to stay with the reprehensible but irresistible continuing action. Much more explicit than the first and unlike others I don't have a problem with that. Sure a film can be made without nudity and a film involving sex without hardcore but give the man a break if he wants to show some sex with his violence, this simply makes it even more realistic for me.
TdSmth5 If you're looking for the worst "movie" ever made, look no further- this is it. And I suspect part I is just as bad or worse. This movie comes in two DVD versions, the "movie" version and the "snuff" version. The snuff version is the straight forward dirtier version. The movie version has some extraneous material. Both are equally bad. And both have XXX material in there so why there are two versions makes no sense. This thing looks like some guy and his girlfriend decided to film some abuse tape on their VGA cell phone camera, complete with cheesy cell phone coloring effects. The guy who supposedly is some deviant rapist killer picks up a girl at a donut shop, talks her into having sex, takes her to a room, there's some stupid back and forth talk that goes on forever, they start having sex, he gets rough and rougher, she leaves, he talks her into coming back, they go back at it and he chokes her to death. That's it. And trust me, it sounds far more interesting than it is. The movie version has a lot of text flashing on the screen about the killers past and how dangerous he is; the intro is of someone filming girls' behinds at a beach. This is filmed hand-held point-of-view so what you get to see is mostly the girls face and they guy's arm pulling her hair and pushing her around, while he improvises some lame porn-tape dialogue. How a distributor picks up stuff like this is a mystery. There is nothing in here worth seeing, not a single minute. This isn't horror, or scary, or twisted or perverse, ground-braking, or shocking. It's just mind-numbingly dumb.
moorenavyit This isn't normally my kind of movie I'm not big on skin or slasher flicks... Amateur Porn Star Killer 2 isn't either it's a disturbingly well done faux snuff film. It's probably the most twisted movie I've ever seen. It's so straight forward, so simple, so wrong. It won't make you jump out of your skin but it will make you wonder about the kind of world we live in. The movie is basically straight from the home videos of a psychopath. Except that every few minutes we get a flash back into the fates of previous victims. I the only thing I was disappointed at was the end wasn't as brutal as I expected it would be. I guess that's pretty messed up... Twisted.