All Things Fall Apart
All Things Fall Apart
R | 05 March 2011 (USA)
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50 Cent stars as gifted college running back Deon in this touching drama. Deon's world turns upside down when an unexpected crisis jeopardizes his professional ambitions -- and causes him to look at himself and his life in a new way.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Geeky Randy 2011 drama about promising football running back 50 Cent and his unexpected fight with a deadly disease that plagues his senior year in college and chances at the NFL. The film opens with very poor acting—child-actors are always a longshot, and Lynn Whitfield's attempt at an overly proud mother just feels overdone compared to the realistic subtle emotions of Sanders, Heggins and even rapper 50 Cent in the lead role, who lost around 54 pounds for the part. And yes, while this movie has its flaws, and while one might assume this would've been a more successful film with a more commercial cast, there are some incredibly commendable creative choices in this very depressing story. What makes it so compelling are the characters' motivations, which are very different from the Hollywood cookie-cutter melodrama, but are just as interesting—a lot of the film's characters seem far more three-dimensional than what we're used to seeing nowadays. Very much a story about how the loved ones of an ill person can also suffer emotionally and financially. Director Van Peebles is great in the supporting role of the stepfather, who is loving but tries to live his dreams through his sick stepson.*** (out of four)
hotchicadrea I've been wanting to see this for a while and finally did last night. I love 50 Cent as an artist and person and thought his acting was just fine. I think all dramatic movies have their slightly "cheesy" parts but his emotions were deff believable. I didn't even notice any of the goofs mentioned above. 50 Cent's character was much more sincere and respectful than most young men would have been in his position (handsome star athlete). Even though he slept around and got with a girl his brother liked I didn't view him as jerk just a young man living life which made it even sadder to see his hard work and promising future torn apart. I found it touching and inspirational! The only downside was a vague ending...and I love him with dreads :)
lowpost79 Good storyline but horrible acting by 50 cent. I nearly turned it off a number of times but figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt and watch it the whole way through. Now I wish I would have turned it off and could get my $1.27 back from Redbox they stole from me for putting out such a pathetic excuse for a movie. This is undeniably one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune of watching in my entire life. This is even bad for sports movies. And they're usually real bad. Hopefully there is enough people close to 50 cent that will be honest with him let him know to please stop acting. I would strongly suggest that 50 cent stick to being a musician, or whatever it is he calls it. He is most assuredly NOT an actor.
Tony Heck "It's just a challenge, just another challenge that's all" Deon (50 cent) is a college football superstar. He is set to win the Heisman Trophy, play in the national championship football game and be one of the top picks in the NFL draft. Weeks before his big game he is rushed to the doctors and is diagnosed with a tumor. His days of football are over, and he is left to try and start a new life. Going in I was very worried...a movie written by and starring 50 cent...oh we go. I was very very surprised at how good it was. I'm not saying this can compete with "Remember The Titans" or "Express", but I really enjoyed this movie. I have never been impressed by 50 Cent's acting, but he was actually really good in this. I may have been distracted by the physical change that he went through. Going from a ripped football player to a 160 pound cancer patient is actually pretty impressive and for someone to go to that length for a movie shows how important this was to him. Overall, a surprisingly good sports movie with a surprising performance by Curtis Jackson. I give it a B+.