All In
All In
| 14 March 2006 (USA)
All In Trailers

Six medical students with unique talents pool their resources to win the World Series of Poker.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
dgoodh Y'know, I saw this listed on one of the Showtime channels, and I like poker so I thought I'd give it a glance...Oh man... Look, I'm not one normally to go as far off the deep end in coming down on a film as a lot of people do, but really, All In deserves every bit of blasting that it's getting here (except of course for all of those suspicious gushing posts at the start). This felt to me like it was written by a 14-year old who likes poker but also wanted to make his socio-political "statement" without having any sort of life experience there to make such a statement. This could've been fun if there was some sort of high camp value to it (like say what Showgirls has) but it just takes itself too damn seriously.Dominique Swain is never once convincing that she has these poker "skills" (seeming more of an embarrassment to anyone that's ever studied the game) and often times, especially during one of her emotional rants, she comes off as grating more than anything else. I thought it was nice to see both Michael Madsen and Lou Gossett, Jr. here, though it's clear that they're cashing a check, they at least still have some credibility to their parts. Not so with the rest of the cast, especially our cartoonish doctors and the Saved By The Bell-lite medical students.But then still you have to contend with the poor pacing and the extremely clumsy way of shooting this, there's never any tension here, and never any excitement. this one's both an embarrassment as a poker movie and even as schlocky soap opera... 1/10 and that's being generous...
tjcush3-1 Someone obviously thought this was a good way to exploit the poker craze. I have given it a lot of consideration, and this may the worst film I have ever seen. There must have been panic in the editing room as they came to the realization that this was a huge stinker. Michael Madsen and Louis Gosset would be well served to pool their resources and have it pulled off the market. Why is it bad? The production quality is 1970's game show quality at best. The plot lines , both major and minor, bring to mind the kind of stuff you would usually find in soft core pornography. The soundtrack is made of the worst collection of B sides I've ever heard....It just goes on and on.
del hart I have to agree with another writer on here when he/she says "were you watching the same film" to the people who wrote the positive reviews, This film is bad, from beginning to end, there are no redeeming features whatsoever, the script, the direction. The acting was abysmal, the lead actress Miss Swain, well her "acting" was like watching paint dry slowly, and i can only assume the reason why Mr Madson & Gosset were there is for the money. The strange thing is, there are some writers on here comparing this to "Casino" and there is even mention of "The Godfather, when in reality this film should not be spoke of in the same breath as those. There are a couple of nice things to say about the film, 1) when the credits roll, and 2) the actress "Avrielle Corti", who plays young Ace,deserves to be the only one to get some credit for her acting. You can decide for yourselves, either to watch this, or give it a miss, all i can say is You have been warned, stay well !
itssosublime I feel awful for Louis Gossett Jr. and Micheal Madsen for having been involved in this farce. I have nothing against Dominique Swain or the rest of the young cast of characters that look like they belong in a late-night Cinemax flick rather than a movie about poker, but I am insulted at the way the movie was directed. "Ace" played cards like a novice, rather than someone who is supposed to be the daughter of a poker great. The scene in which she calls down a pair of fours to the river against trip queens, only to suck out and make her straight was absolutely grotesque. "Dead money" should have been her nickname.I have to assume that this film was made by people who are either not very experienced at cards or were simply trying to cash in on the current popularity of the game. Not that I expected anything on par with the Stu Unger story or Rounders, but my god if you're going to make a movie about poker at least make sure you can do it justice. This film would likely be much more appealing to a woman's taste based on the storyline, but for true poker players and fans it's nothing but a waste of time. A fairly poor film all the way around. Very disappointing.