All Babes Want To Kill Me
All Babes Want To Kill Me
PG-13 | 16 February 2005 (USA)
All Babes Want To Kill Me Trailers

A Martial Artist, afflicted with a disease that makes beautiful women want to kill him, goes on a suicide mission to find true love anyway.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Peter Penn The only reason that this movie is not yet on the IMDb Bottom 100 is because of electoral fraud from the producers. A fact even more obvious when you check the dates of the positive reviews. The movie was released 2005 and almost all of the the positive reviews are from 2002-2004.Someone wrote that you can only like this movie if you are an investor or younger than 8 years old. I'd say that if you remove the children younger than 8 that might be true. The movies does not contain one single laugh and it is prejudicial about race, gender, ethnicity, disability and so forth. It is truly as bad as it gets.
Spluffy Splaff This movie is by far the worst one I have ever seen.I don't know why i didn't just give up but I wanted to go through with it for some reason. I think that maybe it was to bear witness about its awfulness. It was stupid, ugly and full of race-based prejudice, homophobia and degrading against women. Maybe this would have been more acceptable if it was funny at least in a cult way but not. It didn't make me laugh even one time. Not once! Not even a smile. After quite a while of trying it was to painful to watch so we started fast forward the movie. Still not worth itö. The only reason i can see to watch it is to be able to rate it on this site. Avoid!
Nick It isn't Shakespeare, people its hokey comedy about underdog outcasts and rejects. And it is very funny. And if you don't find it funny guess what your humor is defective and you need to take into the shop and fix it..It seems based on some of the comments on this site that certain folks may be expecting a bit too much from a film called ALL BABES WANT TO KILL ME.This movie isn't for everybody frankly I think you either love it or hate but if you don't see glimpses of your own family or childhood in these dumb awkward failures of the three brothers, you're in some kind of denial. And if you grew up with a cruel parent you will probably cry with laughter.Don't go to see this movie for deeper meanings or well-constructed plot--the vague semblance of a plot is as artificial as they come, and seems inserted mostly to give the film structure and to permit the audience a happy ending.
Troy2000bc A kung fu master afflicted with a disease that makes beautiful women want to kill him goes on a suicide mission to find true love. Little Vatchel Cho is under a lot of stress. He is the youngest of three bastard sons of a once proud martial arts dynasty that has seen far better days; his kind yet philandering white mother has died and he has been left under the cruel tutelage of his blind kung fu master father (Michael Yama). Mr. Cho, possibly the down right meanest parent ever, grows suspicious of his sons and uses malevolent sarcasm and humiliating tricks to try to get them to cough up what his eyes cannot divine. I suppose... he could have asked someone. Anyway, so as he turns up the pressure, Vatchel relents, fesses up and takes all the blame for being a bastard while his two brothers remain as quiet as mice.This results in some extra harsh training for Vatchel. So, Vatchel starts dealing with it by compulsively eating paint chips off of the shed he had been dutifully scraping when he first realized his mother wasn't going to make it and the worse it gets in his training the more paint chips he eats. Suddenly, from the paint, he is stricken with a rare disease that makes all beautiful women in his presence instantly go hog wild mad and try to kill him.Wishing to rid the family compound of the shame of a bastard child, Mr. Cho banishes his little embarrassment to a life of solitude in the desert. Twenty years or so later Vatchel (Colin Miller) is called back from the badlands by his older brother Shang (Gianni Lazuli), who has become just at mean-spirited as the old man. Mr. Cho is feeble, on his deathbed, and Shang has spotted an opportunity to get Vatchel knocked off quick before the family fortune is divvied up in inheritance.Using Vatchel's affliction and his code never to hit a girl against him, Shang tricks him into following his heart and overcoming his loneliness. What follows is an odyssey of a lamb's journey to slaughter with Shang bringing naive, sweet, if not mildly retarded Vatchel to the doorsteps of beautiful women who, as you might expect, gravely mistreat him. Along the way an oddly familiar family portrait is drawn within the framework of this fantasy, a basic struggle to fit in, to go home, to follow a code or even belong. Some of the funniest lines belong to the middle brother Ling (John F. Schaffer) who seems as ruined by life as any character I have ever seen. A midnight movie, a cult comedy hit if there ever was one with a beautiful earnestness flowing throughout. At the picture's debut at the San Diego Comic-Con there were moments that made the theater shake with laughter as the greedy Cho family dynasty slipped into ruin, knives in backs, and then ultimately took a shot at rising to a vision of former glory. Highly recommended for pervasive sense of silly fun, it cracked my top ten cult list and for that alone I give it a 10.