Alive or Dead
Alive or Dead
| 07 May 2009 (USA)
Alive or Dead Trailers

While traveling down a desolate road, Maria comes upon an apparently abandoned school bus. A girl has written “Help Me” in one of the windows, and Maria quickly discovers the messy secrets that lie in the back of the bus. Maria soon finds herself hidden and trapped with the girl as the killer takes them on the ride of their lives. Their journey leads to a bizarre medieval castle nestled in the des

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
trevorsbargainbasement alive or dead, horror/thriller: OK this is a B, it was always going to be a B but some B's are better than other B's, i think that's agreed. this was on the better side of the B's but unlike most of the rubbish B's i couldn't find a you tube trailer for it anywhere. i doubt very much you will find this in your video rental shop and if they give this space then they either have a warehouse tucked away in a time/space thing there or need to find a new buyer, fast; but lets not take anything away from the film itself. i borrowed it from a friend and, sure there were i's that weren't dotted and a lot of the t's went without crosses but what the hell do you expect for something you can't even find a trailer for?? the acting was OK in my opinion and everybody did the best with what they had so fair play to the independent film maker, coz he rules. if you see it in your local $ store or £ shop, buy it, it won't be the worst £/$ you've ever spent.
joemamaohio Maria (Ann Henson) is driving down a road when she comes across a bus with the words 'Help me' in blood on one of the windows. Inside she finds Sarah (Angelica May), a young woman who is bound to one of the seats. Before she could free her, they're transported to a castle, and when they think the danger is over, they soon discover that it's only begun.Horrible. Simply, easily, horrible. The acting was incredibly lame, the storyline was...well..flawed to say the least, and very little about this film made any sense whatsoever. Yet another low-budget horror flick provided by Lionsgate (I wonder why they keep producing such crap).
chriswatsonmail I agree with the other post - "not even worth checking out even if you like B movies". I just watched this movie and I honestly cannot remember ever seeing anything worse. The acting is not only pathetic but so unrealistic to the situation they are in it is unbelievable. Add to that no plot whatsoever and horrible dialouge.....I see this movie has a rating of 2.9 out of 10. That is the worst I have ever seen on IMDb and I can't for the life of me figure out how it is that high. This movie is a one....flat out awful in every department. I looked up the cast to see if anyone had ever worked on anything worth mentioning before...of course the answer was no. After being involved with this disaster I can't imagine anyone attached with this film will have an opportunity to work again.
submissively I honestly didn't even want to give this movie a single star. It has no real plot, except for two stupid girls who are being chased by a gorilla man and his, from what I can tell, cannibal boiled son.The blood and gore was alright, though in my opinion, that's not what makes a horror movie. What's makes one is a good plot and good acting, which were not in anyway shown in this movie.Lets start from the beginning; the girl is having phone sex with her boyfriend (yay for the nerdy porn guys who get off at this), and for some reason she is driving on a dark deserted DIRT road in the middle of nowhere late at night. She finds an abandoned bus (scary), and her stupid self gets out and checks the inside. I'm just going to skip ahead a bit, don't worry readers, you won't miss anything, because for 30 minutes after they get on the bus, nothing happens. So skipping ahead, out of nowhere, a hooded man comes out and says that the gorilla man ate his daughter, so naturally, he had to seek his revenge (not scared yet). Then at the end of the movie, Maria's cell phone, which was dead after she pleasured herself, became magically fully charged. How you ask, I still don't know. All in all, this movie was one of the worst flicks I've seen in YEARS. Only watch it if you are on the verge of killing yourself. See it at your own risk.