Alien Lockdown
Alien Lockdown
R | 01 March 2004 (USA)
Alien Lockdown Trailers

After an experiment to make the ultimate weapon goes wrong, a team of commandos is sent into a genetic research lab and end up getting stalked by a creature that looks a lot like the Predator

Micransix Crappy film
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Michael Ledo Indian Jones digs up an ark that has a stone in it. Stone is used to create Predator in a facility in the part of Colorado "near the Earth's magnetic core." TV version of a hot Asian chick (Michelle Goh) leads a group to kill Predator, a hide-and -seek game that consumes the bulk f the film. Some boring twists too.This is a made for US TV film. Might pass as decent sci-fi horror for a nine year old.
Theo Robertson Many years ago there was a contributer to this website called Tim Cox who wrote countless reviews which never seem to be composed of much more than three lines . I noticed the director of ALIEN LOCKDOWN is also called Tim Cox and I wonder if they're both the one and the same since one's respective reviews are as threadbare as this movie The title tells you everything you need to know about the plot . Scientists messing around with nature and it's up to a bunch of macho US marines to try and save the day , most of whom get eaten by the eponymous monster . I guess Mr Cox deserves some credit since it's obvious he doesn't have a Cameron style budget to play with . Maybe that's why he seems to have overused a green filter on the camera in order to disguise the poor production values ?
Matador07 I've seen worse. Which is not exactly a compliment for this movie considering some of the utter garbage I have encountered in the last few months on the Sci Fi Channel and elsewhere. Nonetheless, while this movie was bad, it falls more under the rubric of the traditional bad Grade B movie which just rips off its entire plot, creature, setting and everything else from superior movies, but still manages to be mildly entertaining. Indeed if this movie had been the first of its kind, there would even have been a few laudable things to comment on -- the unrelentingly dark and creepy remote laboratory, a suitably vicious creature which kills in gory fashion (and looks like they spent a little money creating) etc. But as it is, its just one cliché after another. Its been done better many times before. But then again, its been done worse. If you want to see how bad a movie with "Alien" in its title can be, check out something called "Alien 51". Comparatively this is a work of art, and while I am glad I did not rent it, I am not entirely upset at having turned on the TV to catch it. For fans of the genre, not good, but not pluck your eyes out terrible either.
The_Lament_Configuration Rented this one last night after having only seen the cover of the DVD. I thought, what the hell, might even like it. First off, the lead has some sort of Lucy Liu meets Ellen Ripley vibe going on...weird! And the supporting cast, well lets say they've got as much talent as an extra on a bad Star Trek episode (the one who gets killed right away). Except for John Savage and James Marschall,who have obviously have sunk to an all time low. But hey, what about the effects? Things look like a TV show so don't expect anything flashy. If they show this movie on late night TV, I might even consider it as above average. And that's because of the atmosphere which is actually pretty good, but turn off the sounds because the music just made me wanna kill myself...Note to soundguy: A sci-fi movie is not a Simpsons episode! So if your a sci-fi/light horror fan and you want to see something totally unoriginal, check this one out! I've rented it together with Starship Troopers 2...hope that it's better than this one, or maybe I should stop renting crap...hmmmm?