Alien Agent
Alien Agent
R | 08 April 2008 (USA)
Alien Agent Trailers

A lawman from another galaxy must stop an invading force from building a gateway to planet Earth.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
GazerRise Fantastic!
mindcat I bought this terrible flick suspecting it was a grade C movie, but might be good for a laugh or two.I was surprised, it was a D movie and full of stupid remarks, forgettable characters, a plot that had an intelligent person written the screen play, might have worked.How such worthless trashy flicks get the bucks to be produced, much less consumed by what must be children and adults with learning disabilities, I don't know.The lack of imagination in how the invaders invade is depressing. They're all humans who have been killed, but somehow their bodies taken over by the invaders. I was unable to waste enough time to see this thing to its end.Other commenters may help here.
Boloxxxi In a nutshell so that you don't have to read the rest of my crap if you don't want to: Old story. Aliens are having problems in their world and so come to ours to bug us or take over, or something. I dunno. So an alien agent is sent to stop them from their diabolical schemes.When not chairing the "Iron Chef" Mark Dacascos. does action B-movies which are, in my opinion, usually better than most B-movies but yet always seem to fall just short of their potential. This one is no exception. All the pieces are there; just needed a little bit more intelligence in the writing and better direction. Case in point: our hero steals a police car and was asked by his companion why he did it. He replied that he wanted to hear the police reports. This was so obviously a lame excuse since the cost of attracting so much attention to himself far outweighed the benefits of any police report. Besides, he could simply have used or gotten a scanner of his own (he had a hideout full of crap).More likely the director wanted a car chase and this was his best excuse to get one. In another scene a lot of people were killed for no good reason other than to steal a truck. Why would you do that and draw unwanted attention to yourself? More likely the director needed a mass murder in the movie this was his best excuse for one. I wanted to like this movie, and I did "somewhat" (I liked the early scene with the alien chick on the overpass; at that point the movie looked very promising) but there were some inconsistencies that bugged me. In the first fight scene the hero fought very well; expertly. Then there was a later fight scene where he appeared to not know how to fight at all. If the director wanted the bad guy to get the better of him he could have done it without making him look like he forgot how to fight altogether (he basically stood there and took an ass whipping).Dacascos obviously is a talented martial artist. More so than Van Damme or Seagal. And yet -as luck or fate would have it- never achieved even their level of success. Ironic that he's probably better known from a cooking show than from what he does best. Kick ass. Ahh well, life has a sense of humor. All I can say for Alien Agent is that it's better than most B-movies which may or may not be saying much. Why don't you be the judge? Love, Boloxxxi.
zerozx First of all, I think it is way better than "I am Omega", BUT some aspects of the movie let me be disappointed. Well since I am very Martial Arts-oriented I make the short version and comment on those, particularly.... a) first fight: Mark vs Darren Shalhavi ( Yes I know this guy, a very neat Martial Artist, also unheard of guy Here ), the fight after Mark came out of the damaged car.... Yes, one of my personal favorite fights, a very consistent pace by pace choreography. Mark didn't use High kicks, only Close Range Counters, and a sweep at the end. Short, but very acceptable fight scene.b) Mark meeting Isis and her bully partner: Mark fought well against the small fry, good average choreography.... but then seeing Mark struggling against Isis's partner without any Martial Arts move, was a little bit disappointing. Finishing off with a gun shot is way to easy...d) Mark confronting Billy Zane and Isis. well let's get to the ugly part first. Billy Zane's performance was the most pathetic I have ever seen. First he commands Isis to kill off Rykker wimping "Kill him, kill him...." <- the way he said it, was already pathetic. A real main villain would have been more sinister,.... but after Isis obviously couldn't finish Rykker, he then wimped "Okay,... let him watch then..." And after he said "I will return with thousands (of troops)" that's where I started laughing at him... Man, and at the end, Ceylops didn't even return, HAHAAAAA!!!!But now back to my real purpose the Martial Arts fight sequences: Isis vs Mark.... this at least should have been the highlight of the movie,.... but it didn't turn out this way,... AGAIN... Yes, I appreciate that the director let Isis perform some good Martial Arts moves with a Kunai-whip, pretty and good,... but again what about Mark the main actor??? I thought he would at least land 3 or 4 moves, of Punches and Kicks against Isis, and we Martial Arts fans would have been more than happy,... well at least Mark got a hold at Isis's Whip which deserve at least a plus point on my Skala, e) And guess what there was another fight, somewhere on the roof top, against to mercenary aliens ( was it at Rykker's World or not ??? I am not sure ) Well anyhow. This is at least a worthier finish , and we see Mark kicking the hell out of the two bullies. This was a good fight in the end, and it saved my mood.Overall this movie was way better than "I am Omega". It was not the neat Highlight as I had hoped for, but in general it was acceptable with some flaws.... This movie had some good average fights, but also some tiny disappointing ones, and a pathetic Billy Zane... My favorite fights were the one at the beginning and in the end, the one where he fought of those thugs. I must say, it is somehow again a little bit of a shame of how a director can portray a wimpy Villain Leader and didn't use Mark's incredible Martial Arts talent to full potential yet again.
wizzfizzus Alient Agent sits somewhere between a good B grade and an average A grade movie.The story goes as follows: An ancient, highly evolved alien race are searching for a new home planet. Being both intelligent and highly evolved they have made a decree not to settle any inhabited planets, which is good for us as Earth is only one of two planets that they have a hope of settling before their race dies out.Defying the decree, a rebel faction on the alien home planet attempt to invade earth. They send in scouts (via some kind of heavenly projectiles) who have the ability to reanimate human bodies with their life force (once the human has died of course) thus taking over their humanly appearance and conveniently making all the aliens appear as humans for the duration of the movie.These aliens are stronger than humans and have other neat abilities, like regeneration and psychic awareness, their aim is to build a portal to their own world, enabling them to send in their armies and take over the earth - presumably sending everyone by meteorite is too difficult.All is not lost! Some good guys get wind of the evil factions plans and send their best agent, the 'lone ranger' named Ryker (Mark Dacascos) to stop them.All in all the movie is fairly enjoyable. There are a few inconsistencies, but for the most part its fairly well put together. There are plenty of fight scenes, most of them being fun to watch even if slightly predictable. The one notable exception being marred by poor speed editing - director please note: Mark Dacascos is fast enough! Marc Dacascas plays the lone crusader well and his unlikely sidekick Emma Lahana (Julie) did almost too good a job at times, switching demeanors so fast it was hard to keep up.Its lack of big CGI animations and special effects works in its favor for the most part, the movie seems better for it. In fact some of the worse parts in the movie are when the utterly unconvincing CGI effects are used to heal Ryker (don't worry - there aren't many), I can't help but think it would have been better left to the viewers imagination.I personally wouldn't buy this movie but it would be a good one to watch on TV or rent, especially for sci-fi fans.