| 13 February 2002 (USA)
Alias Trailers

Eva accidentally witnesses (and tapes) the suicide of a girl. The tape is stolen but retrieved by Dieter, with whom she starts an affair.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
petra When the movie started i felt good. Hilde De Baerdemaeker is a good flemish actress and i love Gent and i was happy to see the city i know so well in a movie. I liked the first half hour very much... but it went downwards after that. Hilde (Eva) played very well, but that was about it. At the ending, where they "all" are at "Le Vallon", it became worse. I kept hoping the ending would make the film right, but it didn't. It's too bad Verheyen couldn't keep the level of the first half hour of the movie. I gave it a 6 and that is mild.
rob_be although Jan Verheyen movies come in with a lot of publicity - at least in Belgium - they never predict high quality. this time the expectations were higher due to a nice trailer and promising cast. watching the movie was a nice experience at the beginning, but this quickly faded along the watching. too many rediculous coincidences (ex. geert hunaerts - while playing the lead role - who's helping this young lady having her purse back) and holes in the story (ex. werner the smedt - boyfriend of lead female role - who's able to detect the 'horror' house???). Also the end is rushed unfortunately. On those moments you can see Verheyen knows his classics, but isn't having the talent to bring over the atmosphere of his inspiring examples. Last point of comment is the weakness of choreography that was killing a lot of shots along the movie. 5 on 10 for this semi-freaky movie is my score, thanks to great acting of Hunaert and most of the other leading actors, certainly not the side part actors and also thanks to a couple of nice actions scenes and special effects. worth a look at the vcr.
P.lolita WOW!! First I saw Panic Room with Jodie Foster, that was a great movie! Than one hour later I saw Alias, that one was BRILLIANT!! So now I ask myself those people who voted for this movie, what did you had in mind to see for a movie? You all can't be seriously to give this movie that low???? 5.9???????? God, I think the people who voted so low never saw a good movie before, so if you want to see a bad movie go to a Dutch movie with a lot of sex and stupid lines or go to ALI G that might be the movie you want to see, the worst movie ever made!Thank you Belgium for this fantastic thriller, it was excited from the start and the end is excellent very surprising!!!!! And for those which voted that low, go and see the movie for a second time maybe you do understand that this is a good movie after all!
maniac-32 I saw this film at a sneak conference at Kinepolis Brussels. 'De Alias' was promoted as a chiller. Well, I can tell you I didn't 'chill' for a moment. This is a boring movie plagued by a plot which is way too simple. The acting is bad, except Geert Hunaerts, Hilde Van Mieghem and Pol Goossen. The ending makes up for a lot and you can tell by looking at the final quarter of the movie that director Jan VErheyen has what it takes to direct a thriller. But in this cases, the plot and the average acting ruin the film.