Airline Disaster
Airline Disaster
R | 29 June 2010 (USA)
Airline Disaster Trailers

When the President learns that domestic terrorists have skyjacked the passenger jet her brother is flying, she must choose between family and the safety of the people in the cities below

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
mjg-37358 I like airline movies but this takes the biscuit. Dreadful acting from most. Awful plot. So disappointing!
TheLittleSongbird Perhaps not the worst movie I've seen, but Airplane Disaster is a real disaster of a movie. For one thing, it looks cheap with the photography slip-shod and the effects really crummy-looking. The set pieces come across as generic too, but worse is to come. The acting is terrible, I am not disputing that Meredith Baxter and co. are talented, but any effort that they make doesn't come through here. Three main things make that so. One is the direction, which was so incompetent that I was struggling to see whether there was any direction. There is also how the characters are written, they are clichéd and underdeveloped, and especially the dialogue which is laughably bad. The story is rushed and predictable, while the film does make many mistakes, some bigger and more noticeable than others, such as the business with the cargo. All in all, awful and a disaster on all fronts. 1/10 Bethany Cox
Nick Damian Airline Disaster - had to be a drama right? Maybe a western movie? Nope...Ooops...well i guess I was wrong, because it wasn't a comedy and it wasn't action and it wasn't drama or suspense either.It was a mix of almost everything wrong that could have had another two rewrites and made into a really cool movie - but lack of judgment proved once again that stupid people in spots of power still have control over our world, what we watch, what is built and the decisions they make with the money that is in their hands.What I did like - was that the landmarks were destroyed, people died on the ground and that staff from the government organizations get fired - but it still needed work.With a little bit of effort and some more money, a well known cast and a little more action and login and this could have been a blockbuster.
Dave tanaka I DO NOT WANT TO RATE "1". If I could, I'd rate "-10". Before I watch this crap, I knew it's a low budget "movie". I watched it anyway, because I am that kind of guys who totally OK with low budget movies.But this one, IS A CRAP!!! The old FBI who sit on the back couldn't hit the bad guy on his back in that distance??? Isn't an old FBI supposed to have lots of experience? If you tell me maybe because the plane was shaking, so he missed the shot. OK...if you say so, i think i could convince myself to think so.The most ridiculous scene is the cargo scene. Why did the female FBI just quietly take the gun and the case, and go back to the door???and yelled??? AND let the bad guy blow up the airplane's door???? She could have shot the bad buy on his back!!!!!! why didn't she do that????why?????Of course there are still lots of ridiculous settings in this crap. but I don't want to repeat that. Most of the craps have already been criticized on the previous reviews.If you haven't seen this crap yet, trust us! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY!!! DO NOT SUPPORT THIS KIND OF CRAP!!!