After Thomas
After Thomas
| 26 December 2006 (USA)
After Thomas Trailers

Television film adaptation of the true story ("A Friend Like Henry" by Nuala Gardner) of a young autistic boy and his extraordinary friendship with his dog, Thomas.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
kate2949 One of those wonderful lucky accidents - I Tivo'd this program based purely on the fact that Keeley Hawes was in it and she's one of my favorite actresses so whatever it was it would be good because of her. Little did I expect to be blown away by the performances of everyone in the cast, most especially Kyle and Thomas himself! Ben Miles was a pleasant surprise. Having only ever seen him in Coupling, here he showed he's capable of so much more. This is one of the sweetest and most touching dramas I've seen in a long time and to find out it was a true story just made it all the more incredible. By the end I was in tears. You don't need to have a child with autism to grasp the intensity and heartfelt emotion of the parents and indeed the grandparents as they tried to deal with the issues surrounding a child with special needs.
nicola-142 This was a wonderful programme, great entertainment and a programme which will hopefully lead to help for other autistic children. I saw the real Kyle on television the other day and he really is an inspiration. I appreciate that not all autistic children would be able to respond to a dog in the way Kyle did but surely it is something that should be investigated.It is just sad that Thomas didn't live until after the programme was aired, he would have become a real star in his own right. Maybe homeless dogs should be made available for rehousing to autistic children. A lot of rescue dogs always have extra love to give.Personally I can't think of anything to fault the programme on.
sueluv as a mother to two autistic boy, this drama brought back reminders of what we have been through and moved me to tears, when kyle said kyle loves mummy, i remembered the time my son came up to me and said he loved me, it made me cry.the laying down in the road is exactly what my son does too, so much of this was our everyday life such a true to life account of life with autism. i think everyone should watch this as it will bring a better understanding and then families like ours will no longer have the prejudices that we face in everyday life. this drama show's there is hope out there for families that feel they are alone and unsure that this is normal behaviour for a autistic kids.
Loucarlisle A touching drama about how a dog changes a boy with Autism's life and helps him in his world. I didn't realise it was a true story until the end. There were moments when you really could feel the parents anguish and moments when you felt their absolute joy as to what was happening. The acting was really true to life as to how hard it can be when you have a child with autism. Felt the first part took a while to get going while the second half once the dog had come seemed rushed. One moment the dog was a puppy and the next minute there was a fully grown dog. Not sure if the child who played Kyle was autistic but if not he had the part down to a tee as to how a child with Autism will often react and struggle to express their opinions. Well worth a viewing. Strong language in there from Kyle but otherwise a very true to real life story which makes you understand how the parents felt at the time.
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