Adventures of Kitty O'Day
Adventures of Kitty O'Day
NR | 19 January 1945 (USA)
Adventures of Kitty O'Day Trailers

A telephone operator plays homicide detective with her boyfriend, making it harder for the police.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
AnnieLola While this is a decidedly minor comedy whodunit, it makes for a mildly diverting entertainment. I found it refreshing to see Jean Parker playing comedy for a change instead of being sweet-Sweet-SWEET in yet another weeper. Peter Cookson, as boyfriend Johnny, seemed to be doing a fair imitation of Cary Grant; I had to look and see where he was from with that curious accent (Oregon) just to be sure that the resemblance wasn't simply a coincidence. Someone, either the director or Cookson himself, clearly had Grant's flair for the screwballs in mind while shooting Johnny. And it's actually quite fun! It's a silly little B-movie, but as long as you don't require your mysteries to make much sense it's perfectly watchable. And if you're a Parker fan her presence makes it quite enjoyable.
gridoon2018 The mystery here is secondary (though there is a memorable death by electrocution in an elevator!); the cute and energetic Jean Parker is the driving force of the film. Behind her sometimes flighty exterior, Kitty O'Day is a feminist pioneer - a brave woman who refuses to act like a robot or "stay in her place", like the men around her order her to do. However, the funniest performance in the film is given by Ralph Sanford as the inspector's assistant; just about any scene with him hits the comedic mark. The production is cheap, but the film moves right along and provides a highly enjoyable hour. I wish the adventures of Kitty O'Day had continued. **1/2 out of 4.
Charles Herold (cherold) Nonsensical movie with Jean Parker very funny as a daffy dame intent on solving murders, in this case the one of her employer at a hotel.Nothing in this movie is especially surprising. The cops are gruff and annoyed, the suspects are blandly generic and the boyfriend, who is continually forced to help out in the investigation, is genially frustrated. Bodies appear and disappear, everyone acts suspicious, hotel employees have jealousy issues, Parker keeps doing dumb things that somehow pan out and there's a lot of running around the hotel. In other words, this is a better than usual example of the comedy mystery movie, mainly due to some solid performances.I have no idea whether the mystery makes sense. I watched this on streaming netflix but then got distracted and forgot I was watching it. I wound up seeing the first and second half of the movie several months apart, and the review is more aimed at the second half since I don't even remember the first half in any detail. So let's say it's fun but very unmemorable.
whpratt1 Watched this film on TV and found this film one big COMEDY with also murder, steam rooms, message parlors, dead bodies appearing in almost every room of a hotel. Jean Parker,(Kitty O'Day)," Dead Man's Eyes" ran around and sounded like Lucille Ball and always had a hat on her head no matter where she was; in elevators where a man was electrocuted. Kitty also ran around in circles with Peter Cookson,( Johnny Jones),"Detective Kitty O'Day", who was trying to keep Kitty safe and out of his way so he could solve a crime and at the same time try to keep her safe. This film was so way out in left field, I could hardly believe that anyone would find this film entertaining. I love old time films from way back when, but this particular film I really could have avoided watching.
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