Adventures in the Sin Bin
Adventures in the Sin Bin
| 08 June 2012 (USA)
Adventures in the Sin Bin Trailers

Brian is a private school student who routinely lends his van out so fellow students can have sex in it. When he is invited to become friends with Tony, the school's big man on campus, he hopes to get some romantic pointers so that he might use his van himself with dream girl Suzie. Things become more complicated, however, when he discovers Tony is sleeping with Suzie himself.

Executscan Expected more
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Michael Price I watched this movie because I love Bo Burnham's comedy and this movie looked interesting. It started out strong, with a lot of witty banter and subtle humor. However, it really declined as the movie went on. After about an hour, I found myself asking "when will this movie be over?" It has a very "Napoleon Dynamite"-esque feel, with a lot of strange and random events involving the main character, his brother, a police officer, and some school chums. There isn't much comedy in the second half of the movie, and the plot was overly predictable. The actors themselves did well, and I especially liked Bo Burnham's performance as he stepped away from his normal irreverent comedy act into a more serious role. But the plot of the movie was convoluted. It's a decent movie that's worth watching once, but I definitely won't be buying it on DVD to watch over and over.
Kristen O'Connor I loved this movie. It's a teen movie about a kid who lends his van to his friends for them to have sex in, but it's not another raunchy comedy. The humor in this movie is subtle and sophisticated. The idea is interesting, the script is well written, and the acting is honest. What starts as a sex comedy turns into a story of a kid with a screwed up family and a chance to find love. The ambiguous time period doesn't date the movie, instead making it timeless and relatable. I came for Bo Burnham and stayed for the amazing cast. Michael Seater was believable as an awkward virgin. Definitely a good movie for ages teens and college aged kids, but I think all can enjoy it. Watch it, you will not be disappointed.
metalassasin13 this film is better then i thought. Everything about this film, is stupid, but at the same time its just AMAZING. One of the stupidest films I've ever seen but its so entertaining to watch. Bo Burnham just completely steals the show in this film. From the sort of witty dialogue, to the outrageous events that go down between Michael Seaters character and Bo Burnham's. I promise you, you will both enjoy and hate this movie. Compared to Over The Top and Cliffhanger (which are both Slyvestor Stallone films), This is the ULTIMATE GUILTY PLEASURE and i love every moment of this terrible, terrible movie. this movie is ridiculous, Micheal Seater (from Life with Derek) is one of the most under-rated actors out there and this movie just shows his acting skills (in a way). I'm gonna give ADVENTURES IN THE SIN BIN a 6\10 stars.
Jesse Boland A really nice movie. You are treated to some great comedy from some great young actors. Michael Seater, is great as the fumbling virgin that is taken advantage of by all. Emily Meade is the object of affection, and a beauty to behold, but never afraid to be human, you will like her character a lot.A good humored sexy party that starts out as a teen sex movie, and quickly turns into more of a coming of age family film with a very dysfunctional group trying to find a better way of working together.Not a movie for the kids, but teens, and up will get a lot of enjoyment from it.Enjoy.