Adventures in Dinosaur City
Adventures in Dinosaur City
PG | 20 August 1992 (USA)
Adventures in Dinosaur City Trailers

A scientist's kids are sucked into a TV screen and wind up in the Stone Age with cavemen and dinosaurs.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain A trio of bizarrely animated obsessed young folk are zapped into their favorite cartoon. Now the cartoon's real and full of terrible costumes. The vocal cast apply as many cartoon sounding voices as possible, making this an irritating film to concentrate on. It's also full of strange editing and weird moments for narrative twists. The main villain reveals his true identity in a quick cutaway from the protagonists journey. After being hooded for the whole film, we cut to him sitting at a desk with no hood. There isn't much of a city to speak of, and when you see the obviously rubber triceratops doing some martial arts, you start to wonder what the hell is going on. Nowhere near as cool as dinosaur films should be.
moonlady3000 I've only ever seen this movie once when I was very young. But I enjoyed it thoroughly and it has stuck with me for years. It is, unfortunately, exceedingly hard to find. Until I could remember enough of the name to look it up on IMDb I thought I had dreamed it up - particularly because it's the type of story a child might think up on their own if they're interested in the subject. If you can find a copy of it it's definitely worth the time to watch it. Despite the horrible special effects (given the time period it was made in I think they're excusable) I think that kids of this day and age would definitely get a kick out of it.
brad_284 This was one of my favorite movies when I was a little kid. I was starting to think I'd imagined the whole movie. My parents don't remember it, and I'd never ask my friends if they ever saw it. Now that I look back I realize just how silly the whole thing was. I guess when I was little I didn't really care about the plot or the acting. All I cared about was watching that T-Rex and his buddies. The evil dinosaur always scared the heck outta me, and I always had nightmares about him. It made me sad to learn that the guy who was Rex died a while ago. All kids watch today is this cartoon crap on cartoon network. What happened to shows like this?
mgmf62604 I remember watching this when I was about 3. I watched it almost everyday. It was and still is a very good movie. I lost it when I moved but if I can find it again I would definitely buy it. It is a really good movie for kids, it holds everything from comedy to scary (for little kids). This is a really great movie. As many times as I watched Adventures in Dinosaur City, I had always thought that everybody watched it. When I started asking around though, nobody I had asked had every watched it. It was almost like my brothers and I were the only ones who knew what it was. Watch this movie! And I'll repeat, this is a really, really, really good movie.