Adam & Evil
Adam & Evil
| 20 August 2004 (USA)
Adam & Evil Trailers

A group of sexy high school graduates are ready for a weekend of serious partying at a remote camp ground. Soon a murderer is on the loose...

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Scarecrow-88 Lots of pretty girls to ogle in this camping trip slasher as the usual suspects(they all look about 23, but the movie has them as graduating high school students heading to college, or so they think..)fall prey to a psychopath. The destination is Lake Nede Campground and when the gang stop off for directions, they are told by a local that there were murders in that neck of the woods, kids chopped into pieces and all..but, such a story will not deter our group, no siree. Basically a Friday the 13th movie without Jason Voorhies as your killer. The killer mostly uses a cross bow to inflict damage on the victims. An important event(a horrifying tragedy where a family was burned alive in their home thanks to a firecracker prank gone awry), that haunts character Adam's nightmares, causing him to suffer sleep deprivation as a result, is obviously from the get-go the reason for the murders. Regarding the death of this family, at each crime scene a roman candle is left as a reminder of that event which might explain the motive behind why all these kids are being hunted down. Lots of eye candy to admire, such as Lynsey Brothers, Erica Cerra, Barbara Kottmeier, and Tiffany Paterson, and there's one particular scene, when all are in bikinis, where the director's camera lingers up and down all their bodies(he is just as fond of their beauty as we are). The plot is standard stuff..recycled formula of scared "teens" running around looking for escape as a killer is among them somewhere. The revelation at the end behind the murders is a little tacky, but it's never as much about the motive as it is about the murders themselves(which aren't that whopping, either). The title kind of informs you as to who the killer might be if you pay attention. Sean Arnfinson is Adam, the one having nightmares, while Brody Harris is his pal, Matt. Brothers is Adam's girlfriend Yvette. I could go on and on about the other characters but they represent the stock line up of "pretty lambs to the slaughter", so why bother.
Crap_Connoisseur Adam & Evil is a rather average entry into the teen horror market by Canada's king of crap, Andrew Van Slee. While Adam & Evil doesn't quite match the heights (or lows, depending on which way you look at it) of "Net Games", it offers enough blood and lame humour to ensure a relatively painless 90 minutes of trashy entertainment.This film revisits one of horror's classic premises. A group of teenagers go camping only to be butchered by the local psycho. This scenario, while not exactly groundbreaking, has the advantage of providing plenty of opportunity for mixing a bit of sex and nudity in between the slicing and dicing. In fact, the first half of Adam & Evil plays more like a bad episode of a teen drama than a horror movie. Nothing really happens apart from a lot of bickering and embarrassing conversations about sex and penis size. There are also several confused flashbacks to a fire, which are neither scary nor disturbing.Thankfully, things pick up when the blood starts to flow. There are throat slashings and crossbow shootings but nothing particularly gory or original. I did cheer, however, when the loser serenading his girlfriend (on a raft, no less) meets his end. The action becomes slightly less insipid when the survivors flee the camping grounds. This is despite the fact that their every action flies in the face of basic common sense. The remainder of the film offers a couple of tense moments and a reasonably enjoyable finale, which unfortunately is ruined by one of the most ridiculous surprise twists in recent memory. The twist is so stupid that I found it strangely satisfying, much like the insane turn of events in Van Slee's high watermark "Net Games". The motive behind this serial killer's actions is really beyond all belief.The actors are uniformly terrible. However, given the script it is hard to imagine anyone leaving this film with their dignity fully intact. I can live with appalling actors if the gore content is high enough. Adam & Evil is pretty tame as far as the gore is concerned but there is enough poorly executed violence to make it relatively bearable. Andrew Van Slee has once again outdone himself on the script and his directorial skills are as peculiar as ever. The gore effects are reasonable and the film is thankfully brief.Adam & Evil is the kind of horror trash that I find mindlessly entertaining. I seriously doubt that this film will frighten anyone over 12 years old, but it is an inoffensive enough way to spend 90 minutes of your time.
lost-in-limbo A group of teens head out on a camping trip to celebrate their high school graduation, but their party mood is short lived when they discover that a masked killer is hunting them down one by one. Now just who is this killer? Is it the two shady fellas who followed them, the park's grounds keeper, the sheriff or is it his unfaithful wife. But there's one thing that's haunting Adam's mind and that's the killer knows that of his terrible secret involving accidental death of a family.Um, I don't know what to really make of this travesty of a hack job. But I can tell you it's simply textbook stuff all round that's merely plain ( err, but quite a dud more often) for what it is. Ugh, really I think I am being quite generous overall on this particular amateurish indie horror effort. What takes form here is a very typical backwoods survival slasher with just too much talk and innuendo and far too little action and gratuitous nudity. Which can be quite sad for the lack of skin, since there is some nice eye candy on show. It just seems to promise more than it actually delivers, by teasing us with such tame excuses for horror.You can say that the film is just plain scary for all the wrong reasons with such banal and cringe-worthy dialogues. Real deflated acting from a young cast of stock characters who are either constantly horny, lazing about and when the trouble kicks in, its all about the clueless YELLING(!) and spiting out a good quota of badass drivel like you always do in these situations. The story and atmosphere tries for that 80s slasher feel by going for a big body count, but it totally misses out on the style with its lack of brutality and gory edge. Simply the deaths are quite sudden and reasonably clumsy with some brisk editing. There's a little bit of nudity, but it's rather a quick topless scene from the Allison Warnyca as the Sheriff's wife. She's probably the most fun that the film offers! But what made me grit my teeth was that the opening 30 minutes was incredibly boring with its rambling teens toying around in many filler scenes that I couldn't believe I still had an hour to go. It feels like it takes too long before the real fun begins and when it does, it gets a tad better (well, maybe more like tweeny weeny bit). From the get-go you realise the cliché filled plot is a convolutely rushed project that's completely bled dry of ideas. While, the back-story surrounding this slasher is just very cheesy to believe. But hold on it was the film's revelation that left me stone-cold because of the ridiculous motive and it goes over-the-top in its daftness. You can probably guess the killer just before the revelation with all the hints that crop up, but it's quite unsatisfying and doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about it. The usual red herrings feature quite heavily with some pointless characters who are just there for that stupid factor than really adding anything of real importance.The direction isn't awful but it's just generally uninspired. What was far from uninspiring was the downright noisy and really loud rock soundtrack and overstated score that at times over powers certain scenes. There are moments when it suddenly goes nuts when the film would break into a montage with a supporting rock song. Damn, that did get annoying. The camera-work is pretty standard and quite relentless when it has to be, but when it focuses on the killer we mostly see the lower half of the body. It's looks like it was shot on digital too. The setting is that of campsite by a lake in some brooding woodlands. It does get atmospheric in spots, which is kind of good since there's no suspense to be found.Well, what's there left to say; it just takes a very big slice out of the slasher market without adding anything special of its own.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*I bought this video for three bucks. There's a bloody skull, (in the shape of an apple with a stem on top), with a snake crawling through an eye socket on the video box cover. I was kind of expecting to see some sort of biblical horror flick. I don't bother reading the back of video boxes anymore. I find that the back of the box is usually just as misleading as the front. Although if I had taken the time to read it, I would have realized that this is just another low budget teen slasher movie. So a bunch of teens head to the lake to party down. There's a mad killer hanging out with them. Soon the teens will meet their fate as they bicker and argue about the best way to survive. Slasher movies are about the slasher, not the victims. The successful slasher flicks, (Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc.), realize that the victims are nothing more than vessels for future blood and guts spilling. The star of the show is the crazed killer. "Adam and Evil" makes the fatal mistake of assuming that we actually care about these people. A lot of the movie is shot like an annoying teen flick with musical montage segments of the gang having fun. The killer is kept a mystery throughout the movie and is only revealed in the last ten minutes. When the killer is finally revealed, it's a huge letdown. "Adam and Evil" is pretty pointless with lots of arguing teen scenes and not enough mad killer scenes. Most of the girls were hot, especially the "brainy" girl, and we do get a brief topless scene but it's not enough to save this one. It can be avoided.