NR | 01 October 1981 (USA)
Absurd Trailers

A priest-doctor chasing a man with supernatural regenerative abilities, who has recently escaped from a medical lab, reaches a small town where the mutant goes on a killing spree.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Stephen Abell This is the Italian interpretation of John Carpenter's Halloween. Though, writer George Eastman (who also star's as Mikos Stenopolis) gives the killer a different backstory. It's this back story which places this film into the thriller genre rather than horror, Mikos had taken part in some drug trials which a priest was overwatching. These drugs gave Mikos' blood an ability to coagulate at a rapid rate. This makes him nearly invincible. Unfortunately, the drugs also drove him insane.Mikos stumbles into town and when anybody crosses his path they are compensated with a grisly death.There's not much else to the story and that's what makes the title of the movie so perfect. This is an absurd story and film.There's also very little to love about the movie. The acting is average. Sadly the worst actors are the two leads. Annie Belle as Emily is okay for most of the picture but there are sometimes when she's wooden and stiff. Her best parts are when she's strapped up in traction. This isn't all her fault, her character isn't very well written. In fact, all of the characters seem to be run-of-the-mill and a little dull.Even though George Eastman wrote the story he decided to give the villain, whom he portrayed, no words. Which may have been a good thing. Though Eastman didn't have to worry about fluffing his lines he didn't add much to the character but size... the man is huge. There were some scenes that could have added to the character. Even the great non- talkers, Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees, appear evil and psychologically broken; this comes down to how the actor carried himself, he let his body act. For example, one great scene from Halloween is when Michael lifts a teenager up and then pins him to a wall with a carving knife: As the man hangs there Michael watches silently, then cocks his head to one side; this little action speaks volumes. There's nothing like this in Absurd.The special effects are passable though not great. This can also be said for Joe D'Amato direction. Even the music by Carlo Maria Cordio is similar in style to Carpenter's electronic soundtrack. For the majority of the movie this music is annoying, though surprisingly, it works really well with the end chase scene.The climax of the movie is pretty decent and does give the audience an iconic shot, which sends a shiver down the spine and they will remember.This isn't a classic movie and nowhere near to becoming a cult. If you like Halloween and Friday 13th then you could give this a look-see, it's worth at least one viewing.
JohnnyOldSoul While I've seen over a dozen of Joe D'Amato's films, this was my first foray into his horror films (unless you count Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals, and his Caribbean Horror/Porns, which I have seen.)For the first half of the movie I wasn't that impressed. But, the second half was relentless, suspenseful, brutal and agonizing. I've seen hundreds of horror/gore/splatter/slasher films, but the infamous 'oven scene' (which I won't spoil) had me literally covering my mouth to keep from making too much noise.The rampage of the second act works well because the horror comes from the THOUGHT of what is happening, rather than the more visceral deaths of the first half. There is blood and gore, to be sure, but Joe D'Amato shows a modicum of restraint, letting the suspense build in a way it was unable to in the first act.So, if you decide to give this film a try, and I hope you will, stick with it. Not only does the film really get going in the second half, the final shot of the film has to be one of the most unexpected, shocking and unexpected moments I've ever seen.
muzafar.h.bokhari (amraampk) Back in the 1984 Feb i watched this film as a 9 year old. In those time it was perhaps the most violent of all features. I didn't catched up from the start but i managed to see in the end , than next day when i returned from school this movie was running again on VCR. The whole family was watching it. The horror which i felt was started at the moment when the nurse in hospital is caught when the deranged blood thirsty killer is conscious again and than he grabs her , than starts to insert a running drill machine in her head which crosses her brain completely from both sides. I had a very bad feeling because my nerves are not very capable of tolerating such scenes, i could had vomited as stream of blood was oozing out like water from tap. When the man like beast escapes and than he in one moment he enters and sees a butcher inside a meat shop than he lifts a chopper to kill him. I ran away because i couldn't handle any more of it ,i layed down in a quilt and shut off my ears not to hear the screams. I even missed the oven death but than i saw the final minutes in which a crippled girl 1st destroys his eyes and than cuts his head off with a big Axe to save herself and other man .Here this beast man was so strong that she had to hit him several times the Axe and her cloths were badly stained by his blood in the process. Thanks to youtube i managed to see some few momewnts of the film again after 25 years. From there i know that Russo sangue a.k.a Absurd is sequel to anthropophagus(Italian movie) which is even more brutal and grue some than this, there in this very same person was acting as Grimm reaper and was not only killing but eating its victims all due to a very mysterious disease at an island. I both like and dislike this film. Thanks Us.IMDb i knew more about the time of its release and the actor George Eastman as Grimm reaper. One should only watch it if he/she is not a faint hearted and have weak nervous system because you can feel too much awkward , in my opinion such movies should not be made in 1st place and if done than it must be for adults only. Regardless of good direction acting story or music such films contain too much gore violence present example is saw trilogy. Watch it but carefully, don't let young people see it
Scarecrow-88 Absurd. Apt title. But, still a slasher flick which delivers some potent violence. A seemingly indestructible maniac, portrayed by George Eastman in street clothes, whose cells regenerate(..this also causes an abnormally sized brain which makes him insane)at an accelerated rate, is attacking innocent people without reason. Out to stop him is Greek priest, Edmund Purdom, who understands his unusual condition and knows his weakness..if you damage the brain, Eastman's a goner. After being impaled on a spiked gate attempting to escape priest Purdom, Eastman is taken to a hospital where he's considered a lost cause, until the startled surgical staff recognize his amazing recuperative abilities. Escaping from the hospital, after using a drill which pierces completely through the skull of his attending nurse, Eastman takes it to the road, killing several innocent bystanders he comes in contact with(..some poor soul sweeping who shoots Eastman three times almost point-blank before being hoisted onto a table, his skull penetrated by a band saw;and future director Michelle Soavi, whose motorcycle stalls, seeing if Eastman is alright after he's hit by a vehicle, being strangled for his efforts)along the way. The car which hits him is owned by Ian Danby and Eastman soon finds his house, the vehicle in the drive way but he and his wife gone..the bulk of the remaining screen time is devoted to Eastman terrorizing Danby's kids, and babysitters. Purdom joins forces with Charles Borromel(..as Sgt Ben Engleman)in their search for Eastman.The film's strengths are Eastman's towering menacing figure and the ultra-violence with a particularly unpleasant fate for poor Annie Bell. Along with the aforementioned carnage left in Eastman's wake, he uses a pick axe, burying it into the skull of the babysitter, forces another victim's head into an oven(..protracted, disturbing sequence as we watch her struggle to free herself as the director often shows us the flames rising, eventually seeing the girl's face starting to burn)finishing her off by slowly jabbing her in the throat with shears(..she had stabbed him multiple times in the neck, before he seized her), soon setting his sights for the kids, Kasimir Berger(..in a dreadful performance as the obnoxious boy child, Willy, who is told to get help, with the damn stupid kid not leaving, instead re-entering the house!)and Katya Berger(..as seemingly invalid Katia, neck brace, strapped in place to her bed due to a spinal condition). The final set-piece is rather effectively staged as we follow Katya's trying to remove her straps in order to free herself as other activities occur outside the room such as her guardian Emily(Belle)trying to defend the kids against the gargantuan Eastman and idiot brother Willy crying for safety(..if the dummy had sought after help as Emily had commanded, then he might not have forced her from the room to find him risking her own well being in the process!). I agree with others that director Aristide Massaccesi has issues with the pacing as the story and characters outside the violent attacks themselves are nothing to write home about. But, one idea, the bedridden Katia having to defend herself against Eastman(..actually gouging his eyes with a drawing compass, putting him at a disadvantage)once she unstraps herself, works beautifully as a form of building suspense, although it also goes on a bit long in the tooth. The showdown between Eastman and Purdom isn't exactly a showstopper, although how Katya settles the score with an ax is quite memorable. Being included on the Video Nasty list helped earn it a reputation, but the slow moving plot will alienate a great deal of those seeking a wall-to-wall gore film. When the violence erupts, however, Aristide Massaccesi delivers the goods in detail, pulling his camera right into the bloody carnage as the victim shrieks in horror. A tighter pace, absent the kid Willy, with less drawn out stretches which cause the viewer to look at his/her watch wondering when Eastman might strike next, would've made a difference. There's nothing particularly stylish or atmospheric about this film(..it certainly doesn't stand next to it's distant brother, ANTHROPOPHAGUS), in my opinion, and the characters aren't that interesting, but when Eastman emerges, it picks up considerably.