Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie
R | 22 July 2016 (USA)
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie Trailers

Edina and Patsy are still oozing glitz and glamor, living the high life they are accustomed to; shopping, drinking and clubbing their way around London's trendiest hot-spots. Blamed for a major incident at an uber fashionable launch party, they become entangled in a media storm and are relentlessly pursued by the paparazzi. Fleeing penniless to the glamorous playground of the super-rich, the French Riviera, they hatch a plan to make their escape permanent and live the high life forever more!

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
guy_in_oxford When a minor character has the one funny bit out of the entire film, you know it wasn't written well. One line, out of the entire film, was funny.Bo and Marshall are especially terrible, thanks to the script. They shined in a prior bit, with the televangelism. Too bad they're given nothing of value to work with this time. Lumley is wonderful but she's given nothing funny to say or do. Even the bits she does have are often completely recycled. The entire thing seems like a long commercial for a film that is going to be made sometime in the future, when Saunders decides to care enough to work at it like she once did, long ago.I have written funnier (prototype) AbFab scripts myself in practically no time. How much time did Saunders put into this? 15 minutes?The format has nothing to do with the TV series. As I said, it's like a long commercial — a trailer masquerading as a movie. The filming is all very pretty and glamorous but nothing interesting happens. All the characters are looking back at themselves, obliquely, instead of charging forward into new development.Lumley clearly is begging for a vehicle for her enthusiasm and talent. I can write one; Saunders cannot. It's bizarre, too — because at her peak she was the better writer. The original series, except for the last episode or two, was so brilliant.Aside from the aforementioned singular funny line, which aged badly upon seeing the film a second time — there was one scene-stealing bit of body language humor from an even more minor character. Too bad that the scene collapsed into bad writing in short order.
eurokanga The film steals at least two scenes and one shot from other movies.I recognised Some Like It Hot and To Catch A Thief among others.See what you can spot.Also, not having any interest whatsoever in the British celebrity scene, the Cameos went way beyond the throw-up point.
Robert Riley I really don't understand all the complaints / negative reviews / low ratings. Maybe one has to be a true long-time fan of the TV Series - - From, as the kids once said, "back in the day." I can't imagine such fans - who have watched the show as it aired over the past 3 decades - would REALLY find this movie to be so bad that, as one reviewer put it, she/he walked out of the theatre (wasting $30+) after only 30 mins thinking, sarcastically, that there would be more laughs "at the local ambulance depot."I had been waiting for the movie for YEARS, as have thousands of fans, and when it finally came out I was so disappointed because of the reviews. I hadn't yet watched the movie, and was dreading it because of the negative reviews and comments. Then I watched it ... and was very pleasantly surprised. I take a lot into consideration when giving a 1 - 10 rating on IMDb; one of my considerations is - and I know it is rather vague - how the movie or TV show was "for what it is." For example, it is generally ridiculous to criticize an old scifi movie for bad special effects. One has to take into consideration factors such as the era, the budget, and more. AbFab The Movie is not scifi, obviously, but using similar methodology rating it for what it is, among other things, along with the jokes/humor, how it fits with the series, the acting, etc. ... And for me the movie was a 9. Yes, I'm biased as a long-time AbFab super fan and so, as I said earlier, maybe you have to be such a fan to appreciate the movie. That said, however, even in the case of someone who had never seen the TV show and knew nothing about Abfab ... I can't imagine that they would find the movie totally lacking in humor or merit. It's lighthearted entertainment ... never intended to be a masterpiece of cinema.
robstackley It started very slowly, and at first I was really worried that this was nothing but a cash grab...after they "killed" Kate Moss, though, it really took off! In lieu of a "review", I've got bullet points:*Stella McCartney was totally hilarious, but only if you know your Beatles *It saddens me to say, but the least funny person in this film is...BUBBLE??? Let me put it this way - in "AF:tM", she is the equivalent of Jack Black in "Tropic Thunder" *Saffy's tirade is hysterically funny...but only if you watched the series *I recognized Barry Humphries in his 2 seconds as Dame Edna, but NOT as Charles...I didn't realize it until the credits *I LOVED the homage to "Some Like it Hot"!!