A Serbian Film
A Serbian Film
NC-17 | 13 May 2011 (USA)
A Serbian Film Trailers

Retired porn star Milos leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
sterlinrivera-2000 Ugh.... the title of this review speaks for itself. "A Serbian Film" is a movie I feel is incredibly and outrageously atrocious. I have no clue why this movie was made, other than just to make cash (despite making jack shit), and to add to the genre of torture pornographic movies. I only watched this because I was curious. The plot sounded interesting and original. A retired porn star needs to make cash, and is tricked into making a snuff film that involves pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, and rape.So I went into this with an open mind, and oh..my..god.......I made a wrong choice of watching this from start to finish. This movie has very poor acting, shitty dialogue, poor script, and the gore scenes are done in such a shit way that it will make you sick on how bad it truly is. When you have stuff like a newborn baby getting raped, a father raping his son, and a guy getting sexually killed, you are in for a nightmare...As I said, there is no point to this movie than to just make you ill. And believe me it does. The "Saw" franchise is 100 times more watchable than this trashy garbage. Sure, those movies are graphic, but they are not shot in an over-the-top, excessive way like this and the "Human Centipede" films.Bottom line, "A Serbian Film" is the worst movie I have ever laid eyes on. It is very pointless, stupid, boring, disgusting, and very godawful. For the sake of your sanity, PLEASE AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS!!!
phpshindaroff For naming 'Serbian movie" this disgusting piece of shame. Other Serbian movies are my favorite, this one does not deserve to exist.
moviefanatix When i watch a movie i want to talk about it the next day. I want to remember it for ever, i want to be shocked and feel according to the genre... so if its horror i want to be scared. This movie goes very far to get all your emotions running wild, its brutal. From the beginning you have a sense of nervousness i found myself saying" should i be watching this". As it progresses it gets very strange, you could see some actors look like they really need to eat something. They gave it there all in this movie and wanted people to talk about a Serbian film. The main character is a ex porn star who is becoming more and more into starring in a new genre of horror porn after his career takes a dive. I wont get into details but you will either forget this movie due to a defense mechanism or you will remember it forever and tell everyone of your sick friends about. Some people are afraid to admit they love this movie. I am not one of them. One of my all time favorite horror shlock gore movies. SHOUT OUT TO SERBIA!!
eddie052010 Undoubtedly one of the most controversial films in cinema recently, A Serbian Film has garnered a very polarised reaction over the years. Me personally, I feel that it is nothing particularly great or particularly bad, just OK. Let's explore why, shall we?Now one of my immediate positives concerning this film is its plot and pacing. Unlike most movies these days, it is happy to take its time to set up characters and story in order to provide context and develop the leads to the point where we care enough about their situations to get the audience involved. I like good old fashioned slow burners, and it's nice to see one like this, especially one done quite well. Now, there are some structural issues however. This mainly concerns the last third, whereby it becomes weirdly non-linear all of a sudden, of which doesn't serve the story or the film in any meaningful way. It feels done to make the film more stylish, but instead comes across as a major amateur writing mistake, as is expected of a debut.There are also other positives as well. The acting is very good from all of the cast, it develops a mood and atmosphere quite nicely, and it is quite well made for the low budget film that it is. Meanwhile, its themes on filmmaking, sexuality and exploitation can be quite interesting, even if it is a little on the nose. Mainly I just like how it is pretty much the anti-torture porn movie. Whereas most films in this genre sensationalise hardcore violence and sex for the sake of cheap thrills, A Serbian Film goes even further than movies like Saw and Hostel dared, all the while taking the fun out of it via the score which combines parts of a synth piece which sounds like its from a porn film with bleak and bombastic orchestral pieces, the general disgust most characters feel when encountering such violence as well as the general negative tone and vibes associated with such content. All of this combines to represent how generally disgusting, vile and depraved such violence is in the first place. It does become an interesting look at voyeurism, and even if other films have done it better before, the contributions of this film are fine.That leads me to the film's biggest strength and ultimate flaw: the controversial content. The film's outlandish and degenerate content has pretty much clashed badly with everyone: film critics, general audiences and film censors who have been perfectly happy to hack it to pieces all over the world. Now make no mistake, the film is extremely messed up in many ways, and is definitely not everyone's cup of tea in that regard. However, I do find it interesting how these same people are bothered by the violence and depravity in this film, but have no problem with the general sadism and lowest common denominator style guff in various Western and Hollywood movies, whether that be the endless sadism of say Tarantino's garbage, Natural Born Killers, Sin City, the list goes on. The difference is that this film is at least trying to make you think and doesn't glorify the violence whereas those movies are seeking to wallow in sadism for the sake of entertainment. I know which one is more concerning here.As such, I do like how the film is able to address many controversial topics including Serbian politics (with the newborn porn scene being a weird way of conveying how many feel that Serbia is a failed state for instance), the torture porn genre in general (in how bizarre it is that people enjoy such violence) and voyeurism in general. As stated previously, I also like how it is the anti-torture porn movie; by taking the genre to further extremes all the while demonstrating how awful such violence actually is. Given these circumstances, it's not a surprise that very few torture porn films would be released in this film's wake, given how high a bar this film set in terms of cinematic violence all the while undermining the pleasures of such violence to make further films in this genre seem rather redundant and nasty by comparison.However, its also the film's biggest problem. Why? Its way too obvious in what it is trying to say. The Vukmir character is clearly a grossly exaggerated caricature and commentary of pretentious European art-house directors, the violence in of itself is a not so subtle attack on torture porn and the final tirades of life imitating art and depravity being true cinema by Vukmir at the end come across as slap in the face obvious, and not subtly done at all. And while it does make the film mean it has something to say, it displays it all to the point where it becomes insultingly easy to figure out, potentially leaving further analysis off the table altogether, something probably the filmmakers would want to be done with their film. Also, some of the violence does come across as a little bit lowest common denominator, and ironically pandering to the audience the film is so keen to criticise. And some of the more cruder scenes are so immaturely done that it wouldn't shock me if Jay from The Inbetweeners wrote those parts of the script.A Serbian Film is nowhere near as bad as most of the biased press and film censors would say (of whom clearly have agendas of their own), nor is it as good as some of its ardent defenders would have you believe. It is an OK film, worthwhile of discussion due to its ideas and unique take on certain genres, especially torture porn. However, it is very flawed and there are far better horror films with social commentaries out there. So its worth a watch (provided you have the stomach for it), even if it is rough around the edges. A Serbian Film is an overall entertaining film that is worth watching.