A Hole in My Heart
A Hole in My Heart
| 08 April 2005 (USA)
A Hole in My Heart Trailers

In a decript apartment, a young man watches as his father and a friend shoot an amateur porn film. Issues of morality, reality TV and friendship are explored.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
mrtynr Well some people may like it but in my opinion one word is enough: disgusting... First of all I do not see a reason for such kind of movie. I watched it in a special film festival and there was not an empty seat available what it started. After the first hour of the film, the movie was half full. I don't go to cinema (especially in a film festival)to watch people having group sex, or vomiting each others mouth. There are special movies for people who like these kinds of stuffs, you can go to a sex shop and rent one. Or perhaps you can make your own but be sure that you are the only one to watch it. But for normal users these are far too much. I was with my girlfriend and she embarrassed very much because it was her choice to watch it. Since we had no clue about the film before we saw it, name of the film misdirected us pretty much cause we thought that it was a romantic film or an ordinary drama. You may try to give the desperation of people in your movie but there are other ways to do so I suppose. People do not need to see all the dirty fantasies or thoughts you have inside. And no one can say that "oh people do not see the art inside!!!" cause I think they are only trying to pretend like sophisticated, be the different one or feel the same dirty fantasies.To sum up, if you haven't seen this film, you are lucky. I hope I will never ever have to watch another movie from that guy...
zoothorn21 Having loved 'Together' and admired, for the most part, 'Lilya 4-Ever' (as well as his short films), I was dreadfully disappointed with this new work from Moodyson. In an interview about 'A Hole On My Heart' Moodyson stated that he thought it was his best and most complex film, before saying that he didn't know what the film was supposed to be about, not offering any explanation other than 'it has many layers'. Such statements reveal entirely the reason behind the film's failure. Depsite Moodyson's assertion of complexity, there is simply nothing in this 90+ minute film that could not have been adequately communicated in a short. Simply juxtaposing unpleasant images of cosmetic surgery and action men figures with home-made pornography does not constitute a complex statement on anything. In fact the film is hopelessly meandering and one has the increasing feeling that it was 'discovered' in the editing room. I'm very interested in non-narrative film-making, and I don't need a 'story' to communicate events to me, but it is evident to me when there is a severe paucity of drive and ideas, and that feeling was evident throughout a viewing of this film. It concerns me that this film will be defended by people who feel that sitting through the unpleasant content constitutes some sort of test of intellectual rigour and that those who didn't like it are not prepared to 'face up' to the reality this film purports to present. In fact the simple truth is that this is an empty film, with a painful lack of understanding of how to dramatise ideas. I really hope Moodyson comes up with something better next time - I think his talents outstrip nonsense like this.
Tiago Faia This was an interesting visual exercise from Moodysson. I don't know whether I have followed completely Moodysson's exposition on a set of broken lives in beautiful suburbia Scandinavian-style.It reminded me of early Dogme films, namely the breaking of all strings to do with conventional film-making... but with many shortcomings in the end! This appeared particularly true in the "acting" by those involved. Moodysson seemed to be on a mission to capture reality opting for an unscripted take on the script he had in his head. To my eyes it didn't work as it should have. I felt that a possibly interesting idea came very far from delivering an end product.As far as the story goes things are pretty simple. Abuse, abandonment, redemption, all come to mind. Despite the odd editing and Aphex-Twinsesque soundtrack, it all ends up following pretty common trails that have already been paved by modern-day's reality TV.I believe that Moodysson is a fantastic writer who was able to deliver similar directing results with F***ing Amal, Together and Lylia 4-Ever but in this particular case it didn't work. I still admire his courage and no-strings commitment to a project like this after his widely respected more conventional films of late.Watch it though. It's a good stimulus to a thought or two about how we all live today in this vast peninsula.
Kalle Dannestam (karl_lundholm) This is, without the smallest doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen..What does Moodysson try to say? "Look how bad a movie can be" or what? I see what it's trying to say; with all the dark sides in the society like doubt, depression, lack of love and care, but there are a thousand better ways to say it. Sure, to make people react, one might sometimes have to be a bit shocking, but this is only disgusting. I've seen more disgusting movies, but this one simple doesn't seem to fill its purpose.Sadly, the actors will have to live with the roles they've played for the rest of their lives, and Moodysson said on a TV-show just the day before I saw the movie "I wouldn't want my daughter to grow up in a society where this movie exists" I can see why..For the first time ever, I regret seeing a film. I bumped in to a friend at the theater and she told me to change the ticket and see something else, but I still wanted to see for myself. Gee, was she right..
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