A Haunting In Connecticut
A Haunting In Connecticut
PG-13 | 18 October 2002 (USA)
A Haunting In Connecticut Trailers

A haunting documentary of a normal family living in Connecticut, who, after moving into their new house, are terrorized by an evil ghost that dwells in the home.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
talbertjzx I think that A Haunting in Connecticut was really spooky and a really great story. I loved it. It's very obvious that this really happened to this family and only continues to prove the existence of life after the physical form dissolves is indeed true. There is no death, people seem to think life and death,...... doesn't exist, birth and death, yes, but life has no opposite. The fact that the family members are narrating through the show, to me, proves the reality of this event. As Human Beings I believe we have the ability to sense honesty in each other. I sense the honesty in this family, you can hear it in their body language and voice. I hope the family doesn't frown on this comment but I think that the whole event was necessary for Paul/Stephen(Steven)? to have had his cancer taken away. That to me is what makes this a great story about a haunting. I think that is why the event happened to them, for Pauls sake. Please try to see the positive in this. I know that not all hauntings look positive, but then again everything happens for a reason, and when the mind looks at an event, it only sees that one event, a small sliver of the big picture/event, and then labels it good or bad, not ever seeing the whole picture and the connectedness of all events,..........one thing happens so that another may happen, etc.. As far as the actors, I think they were excellent! I think that everything came together just as it needed to. Everyone of the actors were a perfect fit for this show, and it really is spooky. It's better than any scary movie I have ever seen, and if a movie is in fact made I can't imagine it being better than this TV show, no way. This is one of my favorite shows I have ever seen. I wish I had a store bought copy of it but have never found it for sale anywhere. My other favorite haunting show is Summerwind, another excellent show that I would rate a 10, but this is my favorite! Thank you for letting me post on your site and have a nice day! :) - Jason(talbertj300zx@yahoo.com)
Christian Gupta I made the mistake of seeing this at night, cause after I saw it, I did not sleep at all, I stayed up all night watching t.v.It took a lot to recover from this scary Documentary.Anyway, seeing that this is just an ordinary 3 story house with low rent, beautiful furnishings, large kitchen, 2 upstairs bed rooms, 2 upstairs bathrooms, a larger living room, and a 2 room basement. I thought, nothing can be too scary in this house, but boy was I wrong. It scared me to death, I couldn't help but feel sorry for those living in the house. Seeing that ghost calling Paul's name was scary, but the worst parts were seeing him trap Karen in the shower, drive a truck and almost crushing Ed to death, and standing on the stairs giving a camera man a head on attack. At that moment, I just wanted to scream. Seeing that ghost's face just from and then seeing his mouth smirk, and then turn into a fireball, was enough to knock me out of my chair.After seeing this, I saw The Shining, and The Shining is no where near as scary as this terrifying documentary. I do not recommend watching this, unless you want the living daylights scared out of you. Seeing this haunted me for some time. I am now over it, but I know that I will never see this documentary again. One watch was enough.Do Not Watch This, Unless You Are Willing To See The Shining, The Haunting, and be willing to get scared to the death, cause this documentary will haunt you for some time.
harry smart I saw this episode on discovery channel last night. Just before I was going to sleep, a very bad decision. Switching from one channel to another, I was thinking maybe discovery channel will air a supernatural show and voila, there it was. Watching it was absolutely terrifying, I could not change the channel, because I had to see the ending. Actually, from the moment the mother was mopping the floor, I was hooked. But definitely worth the while. Although I did not sleep well, the terror kept haunting me (so to speak).I think it will stay with me for sometime, and it's good to read the comments of other viewers. Unlike some of you I don't like horror movies or suspension thrillers (it scares me so much, it's not pleasant anymore), unless I know in advance there worth watching, like the 'Sixt Sense' and 'Unbreakable'. Also very impressive, but at least there were based on fiction. 'Unbreakable' also gave a feeling about what true evil looks like. Something I never hope to experience personally!In short, a very impressive documentary, I reward it with a 9.
Gafke I made the serious mistake of watching this feature length documentary shortly before going to bed. I did not sleep at all that night.This is the allegedly true story of the Parker family, whose eldest son is terribly ill and requires frequent hospital visits. In order to be closer to the hospital where he receives treatment, the entire Parker family move into a new home which is a shorter drive from the facilities. It is also conveniently located quite close to a cemetery. The house itself is a large, impressively grandiose estate, but when Mr. and Mrs. Parker head downstairs just after purchasing the home, they discover a basement room filled with an odd assortment of surgical tools and a large freezer. To their horror, the couple realize they are standing in a disused embalming room. The house was once a funeral home.Having sunk their life savings into the purchase of their new home, The Parkers have no choice but to go ahead and move in. They decide to conceal the history of the house from their children, but odd things soon begin to occur. A kitchen floor stubbornly refuses to be cleansed of a vicious pool of blood. The sickly teenage boy, Paul, begins hearing voices, and all of the children see phantoms and shadows moving throughout the house. Paul's temper begins to fray and he grows increasingly violent. Not even removing him from the house seems to help, which his parents do after he attacks his own cousin. Instead, the forces inside of the house shift their focus, and the demonic displays of physical violence and destruction reach explosively frightening levels. By the time a team of parapsychologists arrive to investigate, it is almost too late. This is a very eerie documentary, and incredibly well made. The mood throughout is suffocatingly dreary and filled with unrelenting dread. The performances are all quite good and somehow, genuine fear is infused into every frame. Whether it's the discovery of the embalming equipment in the basement, or a face-to-face encounter with a black-eyed demon in the darkness, this documentary will leave you with a sinking feeling of horror in the pit of your stomach and an overwhelming urge to glance around your immediate surroundings during the commercials, just to make sure there is nothing lurking in the shadowy corners.I really had not intended to stay up and watch the entire program, but it hooked me easily and kept me watching late into the night, despite the fact that I had to get up early for work the next day. I didn't sleep that night anyway, and kept my bedside light on all night long. That's how unsettling I found this program to be, and I don't scare easily.If you like ghost stories, historical accounts of haunted houses, and having the holy old crap scared out of you, watch this show the next time it's run on TV. It's one of the best shows of its kind I have ever seen. Be sure to catch its companion piece: A Haunting in Georgia, as well.