A Dog Year
A Dog Year
G | 03 September 2009 (USA)
A Dog Year Trailers

Jon Katz is close to burnout. He's a writer with writer's block; his wife has left for her sister's because he's emotionally distant; he rarely answers his phone. A kennel sends him a border collie that's undisciplined because of abuse. Despite a series of mishaps, Jon decides to keep trying with the dog, and he rents a dilapidated farm house to give the dog room to run. A local handyman refers Jon to a woman who might be able to help him train the dog. Reluctantly, Jon gives her a try. Is the dog the problem, or the owner?

Dartherer I really don't get the hype.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Lois Lane If you've always dreamed of watching Jeff Bridges brush a dog's teeth, then by all means, watch this movie. Otherwise, take a big, big, pass. So dull and clichéd. A writer with writer's block. A midlife crisis. Wise rural folk. The only reason I gave it a two instead of a one is that it has some visual appeal -- Jeff Bridges and lots of outdoor shots of high summer in a place that looks like Vermont, maybe? New Hampshire? One of those New England states. Or a Canadian province. But that doesn't make up for the life I wasted watching this from beginning to end. I kept thinking: If Jeff Bridges is in it, it must be worth watching. Nope. Nope, nope.
joeybloggs-93613 At last, a dog movie that shepherds who had to move to get work in the city when they were young can understand and get! From the mad, untameable but intelligent dog that we all had to train when we were younger, we were captivated to see how the intelligent but time-worn and world-weary written-block author who always had dogs would cope with a new and crazy challenge. The voices in the background, the agent, the wife and the confused university daughter home for the weekend to 'check things out' only got in the way of the main character trying to figure out his newest dog, which led him him to a country-dog guru who figured him out, and you are left wondering, who cured who, the main character, or the dog! City folks will not get this movie, but country folks will. Well done!
lexivanz Although the idea of this movie is okay, the introduction about Devon, the 'dog from hell' is so wrong. In this movie, Devon is introduced as a fearful dog who has been traumatized from the early abusive owner. However, the behavior of the scared dog doesn't really portray the trauma. Instead of being scared of his environment, Devon seems to enjoy his position as a king. Jumping on the bed, cupboards, cars and buses; stealing foods, running relentlessly and chasing people are not the character of a dog who lived in years of abuse. On the contrary, those are signs that the dog has been excessively spoiled, so he thinks he's the king - thats why he has major problems in obedience.If you understand dogs, you'll see that this movie is just so wrong. Besides the wrong development of the dog's character, the people's characters also make me clueless. There is no single clear display of a strong character here, even the dog owner himself. Some other characters seem to appear from the middle of nowhere and that makes the movie even more ridiculous.This movie is only for those who love watching dogs without understanding them.
marshreed Cute-but-mischievous pup meets fifty-year old ne'er do well. It's a formula that scores automatic points much like writing your name correctly on the SAT.As expected, Jeff Bridges is solid. As expected, the dog makes you want to rush out and adopt from a shelter. Beyond that, there's simply nothing. There is no back-story, no moral, no climax, no score, no notable supporting performances. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me the plot had been improvised.I so very much wanted to like A Dog Year. I gave it five stars because, let's face it, who doesn't like Jeff Bridges or dogs? If the dog wasn't so lovable, I would have given the movie 1 star. If Jeff Bridges wasn't the lead, I'd have given it no stars.Dog of the Year is a better antidepressant drug alternative than it is a movie. I suppose these days, that's not such a bad thing.