6 Guns
6 Guns
| 30 March 2010 (USA)
6 Guns Trailers

When her family is gunned down in cold blood, a young girl convinces a bounty hunter to train her as a gunfighter so she can seek vengeance with a six-shooter.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
scarab033 Typical western script, sure. I liked the plot, the predictability, and did I mention, a western? I did have trouble getting past the horrible acting by Sage Mears. In fact, I only logged in to review because I needed to tell someone how horrible the acting was.But I made it to the end, had a few chuckles at the "acting", and enjoyed the plot. Its a western, and the limited budget wasn't what almost made this a comedy. Just the scene where she was out of bullets trying to shoot Lee Horn was hysterical. Couldn't do a second take? Oh well, killed a lunch hour
Rusty LaGrange I usually avoid reading reviews, especially when the reviewers mark a film as dreadful. So I had to step in and give the film a chance to be considered. Overall, the film captured much of the "look" of a frontier town. Yes, low budgets have less finesse than some, but they carried it off well. Money isn't everything. The mood of the film was expressed well. Costumes and sets were fine. Most viewers don't notice details anyway. Acting and casting was right for the mood the writer was trying to portray. I like the fact that a wife wanting revenge takes action, uses her resources, and doesn't completely give up. Some role reversals were a nice touch, and I enjoyed the soundtrack. Reviewers don't need to beat a film senseless to make their points. Even John Wayne made a few early b&w films that hold merit today. Westerns will survive.
mikemdp Not sure what makes this Western genre offering from The Asylum so surprisingly decent. My guess is pure mathematics. When it doesn't have to spend money on special effects from bargain-basement CGI house Tiny Juggernaut, The Asylum can devote those same dollars to scriptwriting, direction and location scenery.This is essentially a mockbuster of the new "True Grit," with Barry Van Dyke unconvincing in the Jeff Bridges role and cutie pie nobody Sage Mears in the Hailee Steinfeld part, rewritten here as an alcoholic milf who hires Van Dyke to help her seek revenge against the bad guys who raped her and murdered her husband and children.It's not his fault, but Barry looks so much like his father Dick, it's hard to take him seriously as a rough bounty hunter. You half expect him to burst into "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in every scene.And because he must have some sort of contract that says he appears in every third Asylum movie, Greg Evigan shows up as an old, fat, useless sheriff who only serves to remind us baby boomers how old, fat and useless we've gotten since "My Two Dads" too.It's true the weaponry here is anachronistic and the money shown in the poker game scene is too modern. And yeah, pretty much every cowboy in this movie rides his horse like it's the first time he's ever been on one. But really, even the most authentic of Westerns have always been revisionist fantasies. The Asylum isn't asking too much when requiring we take this one with an extra grain of salt.Why? Because ultimately, it works. For some reason, "6 Guns" works as a whole to create a harmless cowboy flick that's better than you would expect from the king of direct-to-DVD cheese. After all, this is the company that gave us "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus," so I think we need to count the few blessings The Asylum throws us.
Johnny_Hing I watched this while having a bad day and still found it mildly entertaining, and that's saying something, as I'm not easily-pleased with B-grade movies. Low-budget, sure. Predictable plot, yeah. But the acting was decent. Nice to see Greg Evigan as the sheriff (I remembered him from B.J. and the Bear some 30 years ago, and hardly recognized him.) Sage Mears as the female lead was rather easy on the eyes, and believable. Her character didn't suddenly become the fastest gun alive after taking shooting lessons, which would seem to be the norm for this type of Western revenge genre. She learned how to hold a gun and pull the trigger, but not a whole lot more. There were a few anachronistic-type flaws, as has been pointed out, but they were easily overlooked. I'm not going to recommend that you make a special trip to the video store. But if you're in the mood for a Western, I've seen much worse. (Try sitting through a Dwight Yoakum Western and see what I mean.)